The FMGE 2025 exam centres have not yet been announced by the National Board of Examinations (NBE) authorities on the official website. It is expected that the exam centres list for FMGE exam 2025 will be out before the examinations. The FMGE exam centres 2025 will be out after the FMGE admit card is out on the official website. Students will be able to check the exam centres along with their new codes once it is released by the NBE authorities. The details regarding the respective state-wise exam centres along with the centre address and codes will be made available to the appearing students.
The name on the official documents released and approved by the Government of India is considered the right name and spelling. Hence, the name mentioned on the NEET Scorecard will be considered invalid or wrong for future reference. But no need to worry. You can contact the official exam authority of NEET which is the National Testing Agency at its official email address or phone number. There you need to mention this discrepancy. We have mentioned the official contact details of NTA for your reference.
Official Address - First Floor, NSIC-MDBP Building, Okhla Industrial Estate, New Delhi, Delhi 110020
The nursing courses offered by Glocal University are taught at Glocal School of Nursing. The Glocal College of Nursing & Research Centre is offering only ANM and B.Sc Nursing courses for the academic year 2023 as per the university curriculum. However, in case the authorities begin the admissions for the GNM programme then you will be informed here on this page. Hence, you are suggested to keep checking our page for Glocal University latest updates. You must know that the Auxiliary Nurse MidwivesHealth worker course (ANM course) at Glocal University is a 2-year diploma-level regular course created to identify health problems/ needs and offer solutions to those in need of medical ailments.
Hope this helps!
Feel free to contact us for any more queries or questions. We would be happy to help.