
Asram Eluru Nursing College Photos 2024 - Videos, Images Gallery, Campus, Hostel

LocationElura (Andhra Pradesh)
Updated on - Oct 31, 2023 01:38 PM IST

Asram Eluru Nursing College Images


Related Questions


Puja Saikia, Content Team

-Answered on Sept-11-2023

The management quota fees for BSc Nursing at Asram Eluru Nursing College is Rs 30,000 per year. This includes tuition fees, hostel fees, mess fees, and other miscellaneous charges. The college also offers a merit-based scholarship of Rs 5,000 per year to students who secure a minimum of 90% in the qualifying examination.


Shikha Kumari, Content Team

-Answered on Aug-22-2023

Dear student, The annual fee for B.Sc Nursing at Asram Eluru Nursing College is Rs 30,000. The total course fee for 4 years is Rs 120,000. This includes the tuition fee, hostel fee, mess fee, and other miscellaneous charges. Here is a breakdown of the fee structure for B.Sc Nursing at Asram Eluru Nursing College: Tuition fee: Rs 20,000 per year Hostel fee: Rs 7,000 per year (single occupancy) Mess fee: Rs 6,000 per year Other miscellaneous charges: Rs 3,000 per year


Rahul Raj, Content Team

-Answered on Oct-20-2020

Dear Student,

The fee structure for the 2020-21 academic year of Asram Eluru Nursing College has not yet released

For admission-related assistance, please fill out our Common Application Form (CAF) and our admission experts will contact you and provide you with all the information you need to know about admission.

You can also download our CollegeDekho App from the Google Play Store to stay updated with all education-related information.

 For FREE Counselling, you can also call on our toll-free number-1800-572-9877.

Thank you

course fee for bsc nursing
-rafiqul -Updated on July-20-20201 Answers

Simran Saini, CollegeDekho Expert

-Answered on July-20-2020


The fees for the B.Sc Nursing (annually) at the respective college is approximately INR 30,000. The revised academic fee structure for the 2020-21 academic year will be released soon.

Also Check: B.Sc Nursing Admissions in India 2020

Top B.Sc Nursing Colleges in India

You can apply to any of the colleges for a B.Sc. Nursing listed below by simply filling out the CollegeDekho Common Application Form.

Rayat Bahra University (RBU), Mohali Krupanidhi Group of Institutions, Bangalore
R.V. College of Nursing, Bangalore Sree Sastha Group of Institutions (SSGI), Chennai
G.C.R.G Group of institutions (GCRG), Lucknow T. John Group of Institutions, Bangalore
Apex University, Jaipur Baddi University of Emerging Sciences and Technologies (BUEST), Solan
University of Technology - Sanganer (UOT), Jaipur Acharya Institute of Technology (AIT), Bangalore

Admission Updates for 2025

GITAM University Vizag

Visakhapatnam (Andhra Pradesh)


Renaissance University

Indore (Madhya Pradesh)


Ganpati Group of Institute

Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh)


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