Yes, you can select the preferred ICAR AIEEA exam centre during the ICAR AIEEA application process.
Yes, candidates must be between 16 to 23 years old as of August 31, 2025, to fill ICAR AIEEA application form 2025.
You will be required to upload a scanned photograph, signature, educational certificate, and category certificate (if applicable) in the ICAR AIEEA application form 2025.
The authorities will open the ICAR AIEEA 2025 application form correction window to edit / modify the mistakes in the application form.
The ICAR AIEEA 2025 application fee for the General category is around Rs 1150, for OBC / EWS it is Rs 1200, and for the SC/ST/PwD category, it is around Rs 570.
The application fee for ICAR AIEEA can be paid by using Credit Card/ Debit Card/ Internet Banking facility.