TS ECET Syllabus 2025 - Subject Wise Syllabus, Syllabus PDF, Important Topics

Updated By Maushumi on 29 Jul, 2024 18:47

It is necessary for the candidates to thoroughly examine the syllabus of TS ECET 2025 before beginning their preparations for the TS ECET 2025 exam. Chack the detailed syllabus on this page below.

TS ECET 2025 Syllabus

TS ECET syllabus 2025 will be released in online mode at ecet.tsche.ac.in. The syllabus of TS ECET is available separately for all Engineering/Pharmacy/Science streams. It is necessary for the candidates to thoroughly examine the syllabus of TS ECET 2025 before beginning their preparations for the TS ECET 2025 exam. The questions asked in the TS ECET 2025 exam will be based on the TS ECET 2025 syllabus. Candidates should also take into consideration the TS ECET exam pattern 2025 while reviewing the TS ECET syllabus 2025 on this page.

TS ECET 2025 Syllabus - Key Highlights

TS ECET syllabus 2025 will be available in online mode. The syllabus is a guideline of topics, concepts, probably questions and tips for writing different kinds of answers based on those questions. Additionally, candidates will get an overview of the distribution by going through the syllabus for TS ECET 2025.

  • The syllabus of TS ECET 2025 will be based on subject related topics to access the candidate's knowledge
  • There will be different topics for different subjects like Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Analytical Ability, Communicative English and Pharmaceutics
  • Candidates must follow the syllabus for optimal preparation for the entrance exam

Also Check - TS ECET Hall Ticket 2025

TS ECET Syllabus 2025 PDF Download

Candidates can click on the links below to download the TS ECET 2025 syllabus pdf -

SubjectsTS ECET Syllabus 2024 PDF Download Link
Computer Science EngineeringDownload PDF
Electrical and Electronics EngineeringDownload PDF
Mechanical EngineeringDownload PDF
Mining EngineeringDownload PDF
Chemical EngineeringDownload PDF
Electronics and Communication EngineeringDownload PDF
Electronics and Instrumentation EngineeringDownload PDF
Metallurgical EngineeringDownload PDF
Civil EngineeringDownload PDF
B.Sc. MathematicsDownload PDF
PharmacyDownload PDF

TS ECET 2025 Syllabus for Maths, Physics and Chemistry

The TS ECET 2025 syllabus for Maths, Physics and Chemistry remains the same for all papers with separate tops for other specialisation courses.

Mathematics SyllabusPhysics SyllabusChemistry Syllabus
  • Unit 1: Matrices
  • Unit 2: Trigonometry  
  • Unit 3: Analytical Geometry 
  • Unit 4: Differentiation/Integration and its Applications
  • Unit 5: Integration and its Applications
  • Unit 6: Differential Equations
  • Unit 7: Laplace Transforms and Fourier series
  • Unit 8: Probability and Statistics
  • Unit 1 :Units and dimensions
  • Unit 2:  Elements of vectors
  • Unit 3: Kinematics and Friction
  • Unit 4: Work, Power and Energy
  • Unit 5: Simple harmonic motion and Sound
  • Unit 6: Heat and Thermodynamics
  • Unit 6: Modern physics
  • Unit 1 Fundamentals of chemistry, Atomic structure, Chemical Bonding
  • Unit 2: Solutions
  • Unit 3: Acids and Bases
  • Unit 4: Principles of Metallurgy
  • Unit 5: Electrochemistry
  • Unit 6: Corrosion
  • Unit 7: Water Technology
  • Unit 8: Polymers
  • Unit 9: Fuels
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Course-wise syllabus for TS ECET 2025

It is an important task on the part of the candidates to analyze the syllabus of TS ECET 2025 thoroughly to develop an understanding of the key topics covered under the different subjects in the TS ECET 2025 exam. Candidates should also check the topic-wise weightage of the TS ECET exam 2025.

TS-ECET 2025 Syllabus For All Engineering Streams

UnitsTopics Covered
Chemical Engineering
  • Material Technology
  •  Material & Energy Balances
  • Organic Chemical Technology
  • Inorganic Chemical Technology
  • Fluid Mechanicals
  • Heat Transfer
  • Mechanical Unit Operations
  • Thermodynamics and Reaction Engineering
  • Mass Transfer Operations
  • Instrumentation & Process control
Computer Science & Engineering
  • Digital Electronics
  • Microprocessors
  • Computer Organization
  • C Programming and Data Structures
  • Computer Hardware & Networking
  • Operating Systems
  • RDBMS:
  • Object Oriented Programming Through C++
  • Java Programming:
  • Internet Programming:
Electrical & Electronic Engineering
  • Basic electrical engineering
  • Electrical & Electronic measuring instruments
  • D.C Machines
  • A.C Circuits
  • A.C Machines
  • A.C. Motors
  • Electrical power systems
  • Protection of power systems
  • Electrical estimation and utilisation
  • Basic electronics
  • Digital electronics
  • Power electronics
  • PLC & C Language
Mechanical Engineering
  • Workshop technology
  • Production technology & metrology
  • Machine drawing & production drawing
  • Thermodynamics
  • Heat power engineering
  • Solid mechanics
  • Design of machine elements
  • Fluid mechanics & hydraulic machinery
  • Engineering materials
  • Industrial management
Mining Engineering
  • Elements of mining
  • Mining geology
  • Methods of working coals
  • Opencast mining
  • Rock mechanics & Strata control
  • Mine surveying
  • Mining machinery
  • Mine management & entreprenurship
Electronics & Communication Engineering
  • Electronics devices & circuits
  • Circuit theory
  • Industrial electronics
  • Communication systems
  • Digital electronics
  • Microcontrollers, Programming, Interfacing & applications
  • Consumer electronics
  • Data communications & comouter networks
Electronics & Instrumental Engineering
  • Electrical engineering, Electrostatic & Batteries
  • Electronics & amplifiers
  • Digital electronics
  • Process instrumentation
  • Control engineering
  • Linear IC applications
  • Microcontroller
Mettalurgical Engineering
  • Elementary principles of Mettalurgical
  • Fuels & Refractories
  • Mettalurgical thermodynamics
  • Physical mettalurgy
  • Heat treatment technology
  • Ferrous extractive mettalurgy
  • Material testing
  • Mechanical mettalurgy
  • Foundry technology
  • Welding technology
Civil engineering
  • Engineering mechanics
  • Strength of materials
  • Reinforced concrete structures
  • Surveying
  • Hydraulics
  • Irrigation engineering
  • Transformation engineering
  • Water supply & sanitary engineering
  • Building material & construction practice

 TS ECET 2024 Syllabus For BSc.Mathematics

Unit 1: Partial Differentiation
  • Functions of two variables
  • Neighborhood of a point(a, b)
  • Continuity of a Function of two
  • Continuity at a point
  • Limit of a Function of two variables
  • Partial Derivatives - Geometrical representation of a Function of two Variables - Homogeneous Function
  • Theorem on Total Differentials
  • Composite Functions
  • Differentiation of Composite Functions
  • Implicit Functions
  • Equality of fxy(a,b) and fyz(a,b)
  • Taylor’s theorem for function of two variables
  • Maxima and Minima of functions of two variables
  • Lagrange’s Method of undetermined
Unit 2: Curvature and Lengths of Plane Curves
  • Definition of Curvature
  • Radius of Curvature
  • Length of Arc as a Function
  • Derivative of arc
  • Radius of Curvature
  • Cartesian Equations
  • Cartesian Equations
  • Newtonian Method
  • Centre of Curvature
  • Chord of Curvature
  • Evolutes and Involutes
  • Properties of the evolutes
  • One Parameter Family of Curves,
  • Consider the family of straight lines.
  • Determination of Envelope.
  • Lengths of Plane Curves: Expression for the lengths of curves y = f (x),
  • Expressions for the length of arcs x =
    f(y); x = f(t), y = φ(t); r=f(θ)
Unit 3: Differential Equations of First Order
  • Variables and Separable method
  • Homogeneous Differential Equations
  • DifferentialmEquations Reducible to Homogeneous Form
  • Linear Differential Equations
  • Differential Equations Reducible to Linear Form
  • Exact differential equations
  • Integrating Factors
  • Change in variables.
  • Differential Equations of first order but not first degree: Equations Solvable for p
  • Equations solvable for y
  • Equations Solvable for x Equations that do not contains x or y
  • Equations Homogeneous in x and y
  • Equations of the First degree in x and y
  • Clairaut’s equation.
Unit 4: Higher order Linear Differential Equations and PDE
  • Higher order Linear Differential Equations: Solution of homogeneous linear
  • Differential equations with constant coefficients
  • Solution of non-homogeneous differential equations P (D)y = Q(x) with constant coefficients by means of polynomial operators when Q(x) = eୟ୶, b sin ax, b cos ax, bx୩, Veୟ୶
  • Method of undetermined coefficients
  • Method of variation of parameters
  • Linear differential equations with non-constant coefficients
  • the Cauchy-Euler Equation
  • Legendre’s Linear EquationsPartial Differential Equations: Formation and solution,
Unit 5: Sequences and Series
  • Sequences: Limits of Sequences
  • Limit Theorems for Sequences
  • Monotone Sequences and Cauchy Sequences
  • Subsequences, Lim sup and Lim infimum, Series,
  • Alternating Series and Integral Tests.
Unit 6: Continuity, Differentiation and Riemann Integral
  • Continuity: Continuous Functions
  • Properties of Continuous Functions
  • Uniform Continuity
  • Limits of Functions
  • Basic properties of the derivative
  • The mean value theorem
  • L-Hospital Rule
  • Taylor’s theorem.
  • The Riemann Integral,
  • Properties of Riemann Integral,
  • Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.
Unit 7: Groups
  • Definition and Examples of Groups
  • Elementary Properties of Groups
  • Finite Groups, Subgroups, Subgroup Tests, Cosets and Lagrange’s Theorem Properties of Cosets,
  • Cyclic Groups
  • Properties of Cyclic Groups
  • Normal Subgroups and Factor Groups
  • Group Homomorphism’s
  • Properties of Homomorphism’s
  • The First Isomorphism Theorem, Automorphisms
  • Permutation Groups: Definition and Properties of Permutations
  • Isomorphisms, Cayley’s Theorem
Unit 8: Rings
  • Rings
  • Examples of Rings
  • Properties of Rings
  • Subrings
  • Integral Domains
  • Fields
  • Characteristics of a Ring
  • Ideals, Factor Rings, Prime Ideals and Maximal Ideals
  • Ring Homomorphism’s and isomorphisms.
Unit 9: Vector Spaces
  • Vector Spaces and Subspaces -Null Spaces, Column Spaces,, and Linear Transformations
  • Linearly Independent Sets, Bases, Coordinate Systems
  • The Dimension of a Vector spaces
  • Rank
  • Change of Basis
Unit 19: Diagonalization and Orthogonality
  • Eigen values and Eigenvectors
  • The Characteristic Equation
  • Diagonalization, Eigenvectors of Linear Transformations
  • Inner Product spaces
  • Length, and Orthogonality
  • Orthogonal Sets
  • Orthogonal Projections
  • The Gram-Schmidt Process

Subject-Wise Syllabus of TS ECET 2025

The subject-wise TS ECET 2025 syllabus can be found in the below table. All aspirants preparing for the exam must have thorough knowledge of the syllabus.

Syllabus for B.Sc Mathematics

Unit 1: Partial Differentiation
  • Functions of two variables
  • Neighborhood of a point(a, b)
  • Continuity of a Function of two
  • Continuity at a point
  • Limit of a Function of two variables
  • Partial Derivatives - Geometrical representation of a Function of two Variables - Homogeneous Function
  • Theorem on Total Differentials
  • Composite Functions
  • Differentiation of Composite Functions
  • Implicit Functions
  • Equality of fxy(a,b) and fyz(a,b)
  • Taylor’s theorem for function of two variables
  • Maxima and Minima of functions of two variables
  • Lagrange’s Method of undetermined
Unit 2: Curvature and Lengths of Plane Curves
  • Definition of Curvature
  • Radius of Curvature
  • Length of Arc as a Function
  • Derivative of arc
  • Radius of Curvature
  • Cartesian Equations
  • Cartesian Equations
  • Newtonian Method
  • Centre of Curvature
  • Chord of Curvature
  • Evolutes and Involutes
  • Properties of the evolutes
  • One Parameter Family of Curves,
  • Consider the family of straight lines.
  • Determination of Envelope.
  • Lengths of Plane Curves: Expression for the lengths of curves y = f (x),
  • Expressions for the length of arcs x =
    f(y); x = f(t), y = φ(t); r=f(θ)
Unit 3: Differential Equations of First Order
  • Variables and Separable method
  • Homogeneous Differential Equations
  • DifferentialmEquations Reducible to Homogeneous Form
  • Linear Differential Equations
  • Differential Equations Reducible to Linear Form
  • Exact differential equations
  • Integrating Factors
  • Change in variables.
  • Differential Equations of first order but not first degree: Equations Solvable for p
  • Equations solvable for y
  • Equations Solvable for x Equations that do not contains x or y
  • Equations Homogeneous in x and y
  • Equations of the First degree in x and y
  • Clairaut’s equation.
Unit 4: Higher order Linear Differential Equations and PDE
  • Higher order Linear Differential Equations: Solution of homogeneous linear
  • Differential equations with constant coefficients
  • Solution of non-homogeneous differential equations P (D)y = Q(x) with constant coefficients by means of polynomial operators when Q(x) = eୟ୶, b sin ax, b cos ax, bx୩, Veୟ୶
  • Method of undetermined coefficients
  • Method of variation of parameters
  • Linear differential equations with non-constant coefficients
  • the Cauchy-Euler Equation
  • Legendre’s Linear EquationsPartial Differential Equations: Formation and solution,
Unit 5: Sequences and Series
  • Sequences: Limits of Sequences
  • Limit Theorems for Sequences
  • Monotone Sequences and Cauchy Sequences
  • Subsequences, Lim sup and Lim infimum, Series,
  • Alternating Series and Integral Tests.
Unit 6: Continuity, Differentiation and Riemann Integral
  • Continuity: Continuous Functions
  • Properties of Continuous Functions
  • Uniform Continuity
  • Limits of Functions
  • Basic properties of the derivative
  • The mean value theorem
  • L-Hospital Rule
  • Taylor’s theorem.
  • The Riemann Integral,
  • Properties of Riemann Integral,
  • Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.
Unit 7: Groups
  • Definition and Examples of Groups
  • Elementary Properties of Groups
  • Finite Groups, Subgroups, Subgroup Tests, Cosets and Lagrange’s Theorem Properties of Cosets,
  • Cyclic Groups
  • Properties of Cyclic Groups
  • Normal Subgroups and Factor Groups
  • Group Homomorphism’s
  • Properties of Homomorphism’s
  • The First Isomorphism Theorem, Automorphisms
  • Permutation Groups: Definition and Properties of Permutations
  • Isomorphisms, Cayley’s Theorem
Unit 8: Rings
  • Rings
  • Examples of Rings
  • Properties of Rings
  • Subrings
  • Integral Domains
  • Fields
  • Characteristics of a Ring
  • Ideals, Factor Rings, Prime Ideals and Maximal Ideals
  • Ring Homomorphism’s and isomorphisms.
Unit 9: Vector Spaces
  • Vector Spaces and Subspaces -Null Spaces, Column Spaces,, and Linear Transformations
  • Linearly Independent Sets, Bases, Coordinate Systems
  • The Dimension of a Vector spaces
  • Rank
  • Change of Basis
Unit 19: Diagonalization and Orthogonality
  • Eigen values and Eigenvectors
  • The Characteristic Equation
  • Diagonalization, Eigenvectors of Linear Transformations
  • Inner Product spaces
  • Length, and Orthogonality
  • Orthogonal Sets
  • Orthogonal Projections
  • The Gram-Schmidt Process

Syllabus For Analytical Ability 

Data sufficiency: A question is given along with data in the form of two short statements labelled A and B. If statement A by itself is enough to provide an answer, then Answer (A) should be considered. If only statement B by itself can provide a response, then Answer (B) may apply. If both statements A and B, which together describe all relevant information needed to give a response, are insufficient by themselves , this indicates that additional information must be provided before answering the question. In such case, Answer (C) is appropriate if some other data or facts presented along with A & B are needed to arrive at an answer while Answer (D) applies if no additional data or supporting factors need to be taken into account - everything you need to know is explicitly present either in statement set A+B alone or even better is implicitly provided by the context of the situation without being specifically mentioned anywhere at all.

Sequences and Series: Analogies of numbers and letters, completion of blank spaces, following the pattern in A: B: C: D relationship, odd thing out; Missing number in a sequence or a series.

Data Analysis: In this question type, you may be provided with data in the form of Table, Graph, Bar Diagram or Pie Chart. Answer questions based upon the given data either by analyzing it and answering questions directly as they appear in the passage or by comparing and contrasting it to other data provided in the same passage.

Coding and Decoding Problems: A code pattern of the English alphabet is given.  The word or group of letters given to us after the coded string of letters are to be decoded based on the given alphabet.

Date, Time and Arrangement Problems: Dates, Time, and Schedules; Arrangements of Seats, Letters and Symbols Interpretation

Communicative English (50 Marks)


  • Antonyms
  • Synonyms
  • Single word substitues
  • Idioms & Phrasal words


  • Tenses
  • Prepositions
  • Active & Passive Voice

Correction of sentences

Reading & Spelling

Reading Comprehension

Candidates preparing for TS ECET 2025, can check the detailed syllabus Course-wise & Subject wise with downloadable PDF links which will make the preparation process more efficient

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FAQs about TS ECET Syllabus

What is the duration of the TS ECET 2024 exam?

The TS ECET exam is conducted for 3 hours.

What are the total marks for the TS ECET 2024 exam?

The TS ECET 2024 exam will be conducted out of 200 marks.


Is the TS ECET syllabus similar to the Class 12 qualifying exam syllabus?

Yes. The syllabus of TS ECET syllabus will be similar lines of the Standard 12 qualifying exam syllabus.

Where can candidates find the syllabus of TS ECET 2024 exam?

The TS ECET syllabus 2024 will be released on the official website tsecet.nic.in.


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