Clat related : Suggest how to crack clat, AILET and SET

- AdminUpdated On October 12, 2016 10:54 AM


Here is how you prepare for cat, subject wise:

English: The English section will test the candidate’s proficiency in English based comprehension passages and grammar. In the comprehension section, candidates will be questioned on their understanding of the passage and its central theme, meanings of words used therein etc. The grammar section requires correction of incorrect grammatical sentences, filling in of blanks in sentences with appropriate words, etc. You need to build a vast vocabulary. This needs long term sustained effort. Go through the word list of the Module, words of one letter of the alphabet per day, and tick those words that you are not familiar with. Use those words in your conversation or in any writing. You have to read, read and read, anything, but read. Do read a good newspaper, like the Hindu, everyday without fail and a news magazine like the Frontline. This in any case is essential for your GK preparation. You will come across words that you are not too familiar with or have not come across earlier. You have to note such words in your English notebook, look up the meaning, and do what has been given above for new words.

General Knowledge/Current affairs: Now this is the most important of all. GK/Current affairs carry a weightage of 25%. So, it is very important to be well verse with GK. You should try and spend at least an hour reading good dailies like Hindu or others. Competitive magazines like CSR or others may also help you a lot. Basically you need to know all the current happenings and should watch news daily.

Maths: This section will test candidates only on “elementary” mathematics i.e. maths that is taught till the class 10. Understand the fundamentals of the topics from the Maths Module and do all the exercises in the Maths Work Book. To enhance your speed, do more practice exercises from other recommended reading material.

Logical Reasoning: The purpose of the logical reasoning section is to test the student’s ability to identify patterns, logical links and rectify illogical arguments. It will include a wide variety of logical reasoning questions such as syllogisms, logical sequences, analogies, etc. However, visual reasoning will not be tested, as this tends to disadvantage those that are visually impaired. The time need for this is comparatively less. However practices all question in your modules and the other recommended reading material so that you can reduce the time you take to answer a question in the exam.

Legal GK : Legal Aptitude/Legal Awareness This section will test students only on “legal aptitude”. Questions will be framed with the help of legal propositions (described in the paper), and a set of facts to which the said proposition has to be applied. Some propositions may not be “true” in the real sense (e.g. the legal proposition might be that any person who speaks in a movie hall and disturbs others that are watching the movie will be banned from entering any movie theatre across India for one year). Candidates will have to assume the “truth” of these propositions and answer the question accordingly. Candidates will not be tested on any prior knowledge of law or legal concepts. If a technical/legal term is used in the question, that term will be explained in the question itself. For example, if the word patent is used, the meaning of patent (“a legal monopoly granted by the government for certain kinds of inventions”) will also be explained. Legal Aptitude book has been divided into three main chapter, each dealing with one area of law, namely, law of Torts, Law of Contact, criminal law each chapter, discusses the area of law and its related principles, most of these legal principles have appeared in one form or another in the previous entrance tests. At the end of the chapter we have provided illustrative examples explaining the principle of law and its application, to enable you to understand how the principle should be used to solve the given legal problem.


All the best!

- AdminAnswered on October 12, 2016 10:54 AM
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