Important instructions to follow while filling TS EAMCET Web Options 2023

Rohan Tyagi

Updated On: July 06, 2023 07:47 pm IST

Telangana State Council of Higher Education has started the TS EAMCET Web Options 2023 link on the official website, today, June 28th, 2023 at the official website.  Check the instructions for the web options filling.
TS EAMCET Web Options 2023 Important InstructionsTS EAMCET Web Options 2023 Important Instructions

TS EAMCET Web Options 2023: Telangana State Council of Higher Education (TSCHE) has started the choice-filling window for all selected participants of the TS EAMCET 2023 examination. The direct link for Telangana EAMCET Web Options Selection 2023 has been activated on the official website from 28th June 2023. All applicants who have registered for the TS EAMCET Counselling Process 2023 can now practice their web options for various colleges on . Here are the important instructions to follow while filling out TS EAMCET Web Options 2023. Also, the last date to select colleges in the web counselling is July 8th, 2023. The council will not entertain any application after the last date and will publish the seat allotment list considering the available seats to the students.

Important Link: TS EAMCET Web Options Link 2023 Activated

Important Instructions for TS EAMCET 2023 Web Options Filling

The candidates have to adhere to the guidelines shared by TSCHE on the website while filling out the TS EAMCET College Preferences. Here are the instructions -

  • The candidates will be able to choose their college preferences as well as their course preferences through the official website - only. However, it is advisable for the candidates to first download the Manual Option Entry Form and enter the details as per preference to avoid mistakes.
  • Candidates shall first make a list of the course codes, and preferred colleges in a separate sheet, and as per their preference of course and college, they may fill out the manual option entry form first. It will help the candidates to enter the details on the website in order of preference and without any errors.
  • The college and the course that is most preferred by the candidates have to be selected in the first place. Also, it is advisable to select the colleges and courses in preference order.
  • One institute that has been selected can not be chosen at any other order of preference again. Yet, candidates shall select as many options as possible to secure maximum chances to be allotted seats as per the order of preference.
  • While entering the courses, candidates shall be of utmost care, so that they do not confuse between the codes and be placed at a separate branch. For example- CS & AI stands for Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, and CS & Data Science is altogether a different course.
  • The web options once submitted will not be opened to edit again, so the students have to stay at the colleges they have opted for. Hence, it is important to cross-check all the details entered before submitting them.

TS EAMCET 2023 Web Options: Things Not to Do

Here is a list of things to avoid while exercising the TS EAMCET 2023 Web Options:
  • While filling out the web options, candidates should not blindly fill out any courses or colleges, as they will be allotted seats based on their web options.
  • Candidates with a rank 30,000 or above are advised not to fill out the courses with high demand or top colleges, as the probability for seat allotment is lower, and instead opt for colleges and courses with lower competition to ensure they are provided the college and course they have opted for.
  • Do not share the login credentials with others to avoid any kind of mistakes or errors.
  • Make sure to opt for maximum colleges, and not fill out only selective colleges or courses, as it lowers the chance for admissions.

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