1 million in lakhs Converter

1 MM is equal to 10 lacs

Convert Millions to Lakhs


10 lacs

Millions and Lakhs is the unit of measurement, while Million is the unit in the international numbering system whereas Lakh is a unit in the Indian numbering system. It is not easy for everyone to convert million to lakh and lakh to million. Most of us will be bewildered if someone asks to convert million to lakhs and lakhs to million.  Actually, it is very simple to convert them, if you know the technique to convert millions to lakhs and vice versa. With the help of Millions to Lakhs, calculator conversions are easy.
The calculator that converts the millions to lakhs uses the mechanized conversion technique. It is very essential to have the basic idea before using the million to lakh calculator. This article gives detailed information on how to convert million to lakhs along with examples.

What is meant by Million to Lakhs?

The million to lakhs calculator is a tool that converts million to lakhs. These both terms million and lakhs are used to measure units in the numbering system.  Million is a unit in the international numbering system and Lakhs is a unit in the Indian numbering system. Lakhs can be denoted by ‘lac’ and Million with ‘M’. One Million is equal to 10 lakhs. 1 Lakh is equal to 0.1 Million. The conversion of Million to Lakh is done by multiplying the million value 0.1million by the lakh value, then we will get the answer.


How to Use Million to Lakhs Calculator

It is quite difficult for everyone to do mathematical calculations to convert million to lakhs or lakhs to millions.  CollegeDekho’s Calculator is provided here for the people who find it difficult to convert millions to lakhs and lakhs to millions. It is as easy as eating a piece of cake to convert millions to lakhs and lakhs to millions using the calculator provided. You need to enter the value, which you want, to convert into the million boxes. The unit of million that you enter in the million boxes will automatically calculate and display in the lakhs box.
Given below are the simple steps to convert Millions to Lakhs or Lakhs to Millions
Step 1: Enter the unit of Million that you want to convert
Step 2: Click on the option called ‘Convert’
Step 3: The results will be displayed on the screen

What is a Million?

A Million is one thousand thousands. Million is the unit in the international numbering system. The short form for Million is ‘M’. A million is equal to Ten Lakhs.

What is a Lakh?

Lakh is a unit in the Indian numbering system. It is equal to one hundred thousand in the international unit system.  Ten lakhs equals one million. Lac stands for Lakhs.

Formula to Convert Million to Lakh

The formula to convert Million to Lakh is x million = (10x) lakhs
1 million = 10 Lakhs
If you want to convert million to lakh, you must multiply the value of million with 10 lakhs to get results

Example to Convert Millions to Lakhs

I: To convert 3 Millions to Lakhs, one must multiply 3 by 10 lakhs
This means, 3x10 lakhs
Therefore 3 Millions = 30 Lakhs.
II: To convert 5 Millions to Lakhs, one must multiply 5 by 10 lakhs
This means, 5x10 lakhs
Therefore 5 Millions = 50 Lakhs.
III: To convert 10 Millions to Lakhs, one must multiply 10 by 10 lakhs
This means, 10 x10 lakhs
Therefore 10 Millions = 100 Lakhs.


1. What is the value of 1 Million?
1 Million is equal to 10 lakhs

2. How many lakhs is 50 Million?
Since 1 million = 10 Lakhs
50 million = 50x10= 500 lakhs = 5 crore

3. What is the value of 30 lakhs in Millions?
30 lakhs is equal to 3 Millions

4. What is the value of 500 lakhs in Millions?
500 lakhs is equal to 50 Millions

5. What is the value of 10 Million?
10 Million is equal to 100 lakhs

Millions to Lakhs Conversion Table

Millions ( MM )

Lakhs ( lacs )

1 million in lakhs Converter


0.100 lacs

0.01 MM is equal to 0.100 lacs


1 lacs

0.1 MM is equal to 1 lacs


10 lacs

1 MM is equal to 10 lacs


20 lacs

2 MM is equal to 20 lacs


30 lacs

3 MM is equal to 30 lacs


40 lacs

4 MM is equal to 40 lacs


50 lacs

5 MM is equal to 50 lacs


60 lacs

6 MM is equal to 60 lacs


70 lacs

7 MM is equal to 70 lacs


80 lacs

8 MM is equal to 80 lacs


90 lacs

9 MM is equal to 90 lacs


100 lacs

10 MM is equal to 100 lacs


200 lacs

20 MM is equal to 200 lacs


300 lacs

30 MM is equal to 300 lacs


400 lacs

40 MM is equal to 400 lacs


500 lacs

50 MM is equal to 500 lacs


600 lacs

60 MM is equal to 600 lacs


700 lacs

70 MM is equal to 700 lacs


800 lacs

80 MM is equal to 800 lacs


900 lacs

90 MM is equal to 900 lacs


1000 lacs

100 MM is equal to 1000 lacs

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