Metric Ton to Kg (Mt to Kg) Converter

1 t is equal to 1000 kg

Convert Metric ton to Kilogram


1000 kg

Mt to Kg conversion may sound complex and confusing to follow, but it is not really a strenuous task. It’s actually quite easy to do with a little bit of practice. The task is even easier when you use the Mt to Kg converter; saves time and effort!

The converter helps you get the result in a fraction of a second and actually, the automated conversion is based on the conventional calculation methods, so it’s nothing complicated!!

We have put together the information on, the steps involved in the conversion, the definitions, the formula for conversion, some examples and some frequently asked questions, here, to help you get a better understanding of the concept of Mt to Kg converter and become proficient in its usage.

How to Use the Metric Ton to Kg Converter?

Even if you actually crammed up the formula for the conversion of Mt to Kg, it will still be a Herculean task when the numbers are large. But you need not worry, my friend, because Collegedeko’s Mt to Kg converter is now here to save your day! Now, you only need to put as little effort as entering the value of the metric ton, to be converted, in the Mt box. Then put some more effort into pressing the convert icon available! That’s it! Now you will have your Mt value converted into Kg and displayed just for you..! Simple right?! Just for your better understanding, we have given the steps involved below in simple words. Check it out

Step 1: Insert the Metric ton unit to be converted

Step 2: Click on the “Convert” icon

Step 3: Result of conversion of Mt to Kg will be displayed 

What is a Metric ton (Mt)?

A metric ton is a unit of measuring weight whose mass is equal to 1000 Kgs and is also equivalent to 2204.6 pounds.

(For example, 4 Mt = 4000 Kgs and 9 Mt = 9000 Kgs)

It is also referred to as tonnes. The term metric ton is derived from the word ‘tun’, which means huge barrels used for trading wine.

People usually tend to get confused between ‘ton’ and ‘metric ton’. Well, the two are similar yet different from each other with the former being a unit of measuring weight in the Imperial and US system of units, while the latter is the unit of mass in the International SI system, and there is a slight difference in their values.

What is a Kilogram (Kg)?

The kilogram is the basic unit of mass in the metric system and its unit symbol is kg. From the fact that 1 Mt = 1000 kg, it can be derived that 1 kg = 0.001 Mt and 1 kg is equivalent to 2.204 62 pounds. (For example, 900 kg = 0.9 Mt)

The name kilogram was derived from the French "kilogramme" and as a basic metric unit, the kilogram is used widely in nearly all fields and applications. For example, 1 kg of salt, 2 kgs of orange, 4 kgs of meat, etc.

Formula to Convert Metric Ton to Kg

The conversion formula used for Mt to Kg conversion is actually very easy.

As we learned before, one metric ton is equal to 1000 kgs i,e.,1 Mt = 1000 Kgs. So for converting Mt into Kgs, all you need to do is to multiply the value of the Metric ton by 1000, to arrive at the value in kgs.

Examples to Convert Metric Ton to Kg

I. To convert 15 Mts to Kgs, you will need to multiply 15 by 1000.

Which means, 15 Mts = 15*1000 kgs

Therefore, 15 Mt = 15,000 Kgs.

II. To convert 65 Mt into Kgs, you will need to multiply 65 by 1000.

This means, that 65 Mt = 65*1000 Kgs

Therefore, 65 Mt = 65,000 Kgs.

FAQs for Metric Ton to Kg Conversion

1. How many Kgs are in one Mt?

There are 1000 Kgs in 1 Metric ton (Mt).

2. What is the formula to convert from Metric Tons to Kilograms?

The conversion formula for Mt to kg is XX Mt = XX*1000 kgs.

3. How to convert Mt to kg units using the conversion calculator?

Following are the steps for the conversion of Mt to Kg,

Step 1: Insert the Metric ton unit to be converted

Step 2: Click on the “Convert” icon

Step 3: Result of conversion of Mt to Kg will be displayed.



Metric ton to Kilogram Conversion Table

Metric ton ( t )

Kilogram ( kg )

Metric Ton to Kg (Mt to Kg) Converter


10 kg

0.01 t is equal to 10 kg


100 kg

0.1 t is equal to 100 kg


1000 kg

1 t is equal to 1000 kg


2000 kg

2 t is equal to 2000 kg


3000 kg

3 t is equal to 3000 kg


4000 kg

4 t is equal to 4000 kg


5000 kg

5 t is equal to 5000 kg


6000 kg

6 t is equal to 6000 kg


7000 kg

7 t is equal to 7000 kg


8000 kg

8 t is equal to 8000 kg


9000 kg

9 t is equal to 9000 kg


10000 kg

10 t is equal to 10000 kg


20000 kg

20 t is equal to 20000 kg


30000 kg

30 t is equal to 30000 kg


40000 kg

40 t is equal to 40000 kg


50000 kg

50 t is equal to 50000 kg


60000 kg

60 t is equal to 60000 kg


70000 kg

70 t is equal to 70000 kg


80000 kg

80 t is equal to 80000 kg


90000 kg

90 t is equal to 90000 kg


100000 kg

100 t is equal to 100000 kg

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