Feet to KM (Feet to Kilometer) Converter

1 ft is equal to 0 km

Convert Feet/Foot to Kilometer


0 km

Feet to Kilometer: One of the most common conversions that are used in everyday situations, especially when it comes to traveling. Although the Feet to Km conversion sounds difficult to calculate, it is actually a straightforward process. However, for individuals who wish to save time can use the Feet to kilometres calculator to execute calculations proficiently, saving time and effort while also increasing task efficiency and effectiveness.

This calculator uses traditional conversion methods and responds with results in a nanosecond. Despite being automated, the procedure uses conventional conversion techniques and therefore, the results are always accurate and can be cross-checked if the need arises.

Before diving into the calculator's technical jargon, let's take a moment to understand some essential ideas, such as how to use the feet to kilometres calculator, what feet and kilometres are, and how to convert them, examples, and some commonly asked questions.

How to Use Feet to KM Calculator? 

Converting feet to kilometres might seem onerous with large numbers. Therefore, CollegeDekho's feet to kilometres calculator comes to save one’s neck. To begin with, insert a value that you desire to change in the feet box. Then after pressing the convert icon, the value entered in the feet box will be automatically calculated and displayed in the kilometres box. Isn’t this easy? Absolutely yes!

Steps Involved:

Step 1: Insert the feet unit to convert. 

Step 2: Click on the “Convert” icon.

Step 3: The result of the conversion of feet to kilometres will be displayed.

What are Feet (ft)? 

The foot (plural feet) is a unit of length in the British Imperial and United States Customary system of measurements. 

Its standard symbol is "ft". However, in some instances, the foot is denoted by a prime (or an apostrophe).

Example: 2 feet can be represented as 2'. 

Also, 1 foot is equal to 12 inches or .3048 metres or 1/3281 km or .0003048 km. 

(1 ft = 12in = .3048m = .0003048 km)

What are Kilometres (km)? 

A kilometre is a unit of length in the metric system. Its standard symbol is "km". It is equal to 1000 metres or 3281 feet i.e., 1 km = 1000 m = 3281 ft. In the majority of the world today, it is the measurement unit used to indicate distances between geographical locations on land.

How Many Feet in a Kilometer

One kilometer is equivalent to 3280.84 feet.

1km = 1km × 3280.84 = 3280.84ft

How many Kilometers in a Feet

One feet is equivalent to 0.0003048 kilometers:

1ft = 1ft/3280.84 = 0.0003048km

Formula to Convert Feet to KM

We know that one foot is equal to 1/3281 kilometres or .0003048 km i,e., 1 ft = 1/3281km.

This means that if you need to convert any unit of feet to kilometres, you will need to multiply that value of feet with 1/3281 or .0003048 kilometres.

Examples of Feet to KM Conversion

1. To convert 25 feet to KM, you will need to multiply 25 by 1/3281 km.

This means, 25 ft = 25*1/3281 km

Therefore, 25 ft = .00761 km.

2. To convert 8 feet to KM, you will need to multiply 8 by 1/3281 km.

This means, 8 ft = 8*1/3281 km

Therefore, 8 ft = 0.0024384 km

3. To convert 500 feet to KM, you will need to multiply 500 by 1/3281 km.

This means, 500 ft = 500*1/3281 km

Therefore, 500 ft = 0.1524 km

4. To convert 1350 feet to kilometres, you will need to multiply 1350 by 1/3281 km.

This means, 1350 ft = 1350*1/3281 km

Therefore, 1350 ft = .4114 km.

5. To convert 7500 feet to kilometres, you will need to multiply 7500 by 1/3281 km.

This means, 7500 ft = 7500*1/3281 km

Therefore, 7500 ft = 2.2858 km.

Feet/Foot to Kilometer Conversion Table

Feet/Foot ( ft )

Kilometer ( km )

Feet to KM (Feet to Kilometer) Converter


0 km

0.01 ft is equal to 0 km


0 km

0.1 ft is equal to 0 km


0 km

1 ft is equal to 0 km


0.001 km

2 ft is equal to 0.001 km


0.001 km

3 ft is equal to 0.001 km


0.001 km

4 ft is equal to 0.001 km


0.001 km

5 ft is equal to 0.001 km


0.002 km

6 ft is equal to 0.002 km


0.002 km

7 ft is equal to 0.002 km


0.002 km

8 ft is equal to 0.002 km


0.003 km

9 ft is equal to 0.003 km


0.003 km

10 ft is equal to 0.003 km


0.006 km

20 ft is equal to 0.006 km


0.009 km

30 ft is equal to 0.009 km


0.012 km

40 ft is equal to 0.012 km


0.015 km

50 ft is equal to 0.015 km


0.018 km

60 ft is equal to 0.018 km


0.021 km

70 ft is equal to 0.021 km


0.024 km

80 ft is equal to 0.024 km


0.027 km

90 ft is equal to 0.027 km


0.030 km

100 ft is equal to 0.030 km


How many kilometres in one foot?

One foot is equal to 1/3281 km or .0003048 km.

How many feet in one kilometre?

One kilometre is equal to 3281 feet.

Is foot or feet the same?

When numbers are multiple, feet is used and when it’s a single-digit, the word foot is used.

Describe some of the applications of feet?

Today, feet rather than metres are still used to describe all ISO-standard containers. Daily global aviation and air traffic continue to be regulated at flight altitudes separated by thousands of feet.

Describe some of the applications of kilometres?

Generally, long distances are measured in terms of kilometres like the distance from one city to another, the distance of a runway etc. Also, it is used to measure speed (measured in kilometres per hour).

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