Feet to Meters (Ft to M) Converter

1 ft is equal to 0.305 m

Convert Feet/Foot to Meter


0.305 m

Feet to meters calculation may sound a bit complicated, but actually, it is quite a simple method. No doubt, the conversion of units in the metric system might be confusing at first, but with the following feet to meter calculator, one will be able to make the calculations easily.

The Feet to Meter Calculator tool uses the automated conversion technique which runs on the traditional feet to meter formula to convert the units.

However, before using the feet to meters calculator tool, it is essential to understand the basic concept of feet to meter conversion concept which will simplify the feet to meter calculation process.

What is Meant by Feet to Meter?

Feet to Meters is an important formula of length conversion. Both feet and meters are units of length. In 1959, an agreement was made between the United States and states of the Commonwealth of Nations, and this agreement defined several conversions. One such conversion is 1 foot = 0.3048 meters. The foot to meter formula is used to convert the length in US units of foot/ feet to the international SI units of meters.

What is Foot to Meters Formula?

By using the above conversion, the foot to meters formula is as follows.
For the given  “n” units of foot measurement, we need to multiply it by 0.3048 to obtain the value in meters.

“n” feet = n * 0.3048 meters 
“n” feet = n/ 3.281 meters

How to Use the Feet to Meters Calculator?

One might find it complex to use the mathematical formula for unit Feet to Metres conversion. However, using CollegeDekho’s Feet to Metre Calculator, in just a click you can convert feet to meters. All one needs to do is enter the value that one wants to convert in the feet box. The unit that one may enter in the feet box will automatically be converted and displayed in the meters box.

Step 1: Insert the feet unit to convert in the Feet Box
Step 2: Click on “Convert”
Step 3: The result of the conversion of feet to meters will be displayed on your screen

What is Feet?

Feet is a standard unit of measurement that helps us measure the length of a particular object or person or measure the distance from one area to another. A ‘foot’ refers to the single unit of measurement, and 'feet' is used as its plural alternative. As per the International Yard and Pound Agreement of 1959, 1 foot is defined as 0.3048 meters. In both customary and imperial units, one foot comprises 12 inches and 1 yard comprises 3 feet. The short form or abbreviation of the foot is ‘ft’.
(For eg. 10ft = 10 feet). 

What is Meter?

Meter is the SI or the standard unit for length which is used to measure the distance between one point to another in the metric system. 1 meter is equivalent to 100 centimeters or 39.37 inches. The short form or abbreviation for meter is ‘m’. 
(For eg. 12m = 12 meters).

How to Convert Feet to Meter?

The formula to convert feet to meters is given below: 

As we all know 1 metre = 3.2808 feet, which means, to convert feet to metres, we will have to divide the value of metres with 3.2808. That means, 


1 foot = 1/ 3.28084 metre
1 foot = 0.3048 m

Therefore, 1 foot is equal to 0.3048 metres. 
Let us look at a few examples to understand the feet to metres conversion better.

Example to Convert Feet to Metre

I. To convert 6 feet into metres, we will have to divide 6 by 0.3048.
6 feet = 6/0.3048 
Therefore, 6 feet = 1.829 metres
II. To convert 12 feet to metres, we will have to divide 12 by 0.3048
12 feet = 12/0.3048
Therefore, 12 feet = 6.096 metres


Feet/Foot to Meter Conversion Table

Feet/Foot ( ft )

Meter ( m )

Feet to Meters (Ft to M) Converter


0.003 m

0.01 ft is equal to 0.003 m


0.030 m

0.1 ft is equal to 0.030 m


0.305 m

1 ft is equal to 0.305 m


0.610 m

2 ft is equal to 0.610 m


0.914 m

3 ft is equal to 0.914 m


1.219 m

4 ft is equal to 1.219 m


1.524 m

5 ft is equal to 1.524 m


1.829 m

6 ft is equal to 1.829 m


2.134 m

7 ft is equal to 2.134 m


2.438 m

8 ft is equal to 2.438 m


2.743 m

9 ft is equal to 2.743 m


3.048 m

10 ft is equal to 3.048 m


6.096 m

20 ft is equal to 6.096 m


9.144 m

30 ft is equal to 9.144 m


12.192 m

40 ft is equal to 12.192 m


15.240 m

50 ft is equal to 15.240 m


18.288 m

60 ft is equal to 18.288 m


21.336 m

70 ft is equal to 21.336 m


24.384 m

80 ft is equal to 24.384 m


27.432 m

90 ft is equal to 27.432 m


30.480 m

100 ft is equal to 30.480 m


How do you calculate feet to meters?

The length in meters is equivalent to the length in feet multiplied by 0.3048.

Why do we use feet?

We use feet to measure length, height, and short distances.

How many meters is equivalent to 1 foot?

1 foot = 0.3048 meters.

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