Million to Crore (M to Cr) Converter

1 MM is equal to 0.100 Cr

Convert Millions to Crores


0.100 Cr

The terms ‘Millions and Crores’ are the unit of measurement.  Million is the unit in the international numbering system and Crore is the unit in the Indian numbering system. It is not rocket science to convert million to crores and crore to million. Many people will be perplexed if someone asks them to convert million to crores and crore to million.  To be honest, it is very simple to convert them, if you know the technique to convert million to crores and crore to million. With the help of the CollegeDekho calculator one can convert easily.

The calculator that converts the millions to crores uses the mechanized conversion technique. It is very essential to have the basic idea before using the million to crores calculator. This article gives detailed information on how to convert millions to crores along with examples.

What is meant by Million to Crore?

The million to crores calculator is a device that converts millions to crores. Both these terms million and crores are used to measure units in the numbering system.  Million is a unit in the international numbering system and crore is a unit in the Indian numbering system. Crores can be denoted by ‘Cr’ and Million with ‘M’.  One Million is equal to 0.1Crore. 1 Crore is equal to 10 Million. The conversion of Million to Crores is done by multiply the value of million with 1/10 crores to get results.

How to Use Million to Crore Calculator?

Not everybody is a genius in Mathematics. Calculations are not everyone's cup of tea. It becomes a very tiring job to do mathematical calculations without a calculator, especially when one tries to convert millions to crores and crores to millions.  Hence, CollegeDekho renders a helping hand by providing a calculator to convert millions to crores and crores to millions. Using the calculator provided by CollegeDekho, it becomes a very easy task to convert the millions to crores or vice versa. You need to enter the value, which you want, to convert in the million box. The unit of million that you enter in the million box will automatically calculate and display in the crores box.

Given below are the simple steps to convert Millions to Crores or Crores to Millions

Step 1: Enter the unit of Million that you want to convert

Step 2: Click on the option called ‘Convert’

Step 3: The results will be displayed on the screen

 What is a Million?

A Million is one thousand thousands. Million is the unit in the international numbering system. The short form for Million is ‘M’. A million is equal to 0.10 Crores (10 lakhs)

What is a Crore?

Crore is the unit of the Indian system of numbering.  One crore is equal to 10 millions. 1 Crore is equal to 100 lakhs. The term ‘Core’ is used in South Asian Countries. 

Formula to Convert Million to Crore

The formula to convert Million to Crores is X Million = (x/10) Crores

1 Million = (1/10) Crores

If you want to convert million to crores, you must multiply the value of million with 1/10 crores to get results.

Example to Convert Millions to Crore

I. Convert 3 Millions to Crore

Multiply 3 by 1/10 Crores
Which means, 3x1/10 Crores
Therefore 3 Millions = 0.3 Crores

II. Convert 10 Millions to Crore

Multiply 10 by 1/10 Crores
Which means, 10 x1/10 Crores
Therefore 3 Millions = 1 Crore

III. Convert 20 Millions to Crore

Multiply 20 by 1/10 Crores
Which means, 20 x1/10 Crores
Therefore 3 Millions = 2 Crore

FAQ`s for Million to Crore Conversion

1. How many millions make a crore?
10 millions makes a crore.
2. How many crores make 20 millions?
2 Crores make 20 millions
3. How many zeros does a crore have?
Crore has 7 zeros
4. How many zeros does a million have?
Million has 6 zeros.

5. What is the value of 50 crores in Millions?
The value of 50 crores is 500 Millions

Millions to Crores Conversion Table

Millions ( MM )

Crores ( Cr )

Million to Crore (M to Cr) Converter


0.001 Cr

0.01 MM is equal to 0.001 Cr


0.010 Cr

0.1 MM is equal to 0.010 Cr


0.100 Cr

1 MM is equal to 0.100 Cr


0.200 Cr

2 MM is equal to 0.200 Cr


0.300 Cr

3 MM is equal to 0.300 Cr


0.400 Cr

4 MM is equal to 0.400 Cr


0.500 Cr

5 MM is equal to 0.500 Cr


0.600 Cr

6 MM is equal to 0.600 Cr


0.700 Cr

7 MM is equal to 0.700 Cr


0.800 Cr

8 MM is equal to 0.800 Cr


0.900 Cr

9 MM is equal to 0.900 Cr


1 Cr

10 MM is equal to 1 Cr


2 Cr

20 MM is equal to 2 Cr


3 Cr

30 MM is equal to 3 Cr


4 Cr

40 MM is equal to 4 Cr


5 Cr

50 MM is equal to 5 Cr


6 Cr

60 MM is equal to 6 Cr


7 Cr

70 MM is equal to 7 Cr


8 Cr

80 MM is equal to 8 Cr


9 Cr

90 MM is equal to 9 Cr


10 Cr

100 MM is equal to 10 Cr
