Square Feet to Square Yards (Sq ft to Sq yards) Converter

1 sq ft is equal to 0.111 sq yd

Convert Square Feet/Foot to Square Yard


0.111 sq yd

Square feet to square yards can sound puzzling and complicated for many. However, knowing how to measure sq ft to sq yard can be extremely helpful, especially for real estate purposes, sale purposes, or acing your next exam on geometry. Therefore, the process becomes pretty simple if you know the basic square feet to square yard concepts.

Although converting units in the metric system may appear complicated at first, the attached convert square feet to square yards calculator will make the task strain-free and straightforward. Please make use of it and get your calculations right!

The sq feet to sq yard Calculator tool includes smart conversion technology based on the traditional square feet to square yards formula, making switching measurements between square feet to square yards easier.

The square feet to square yard conversion calculator is only advantageous if you first grasp the concept of sq ft to sq yard conversion. Using the Calculator tool will make the equation much smoother for you.

What is Meant by square feet to square yards?

Square feet to square yard conversion is characterized as converting a specific length, area, or value from sq feet to sq yard.

These two units are typically the two units of area measurement in the imperial method. To transform sq ft to sq yard, you must calculate the figure by dividing it with (1/9) as 1 sq. ft = (1/9) sq. yard

How to Use the square feet to square yards Calculator?

Using the mathematical equation for converting square feet to square yards can be challenging. Nevertheless, you can quickly convert sq ft to sq yard using CollegeDekho's sq feet to square yard Calculator.

You must insert the value to be modified into the square feet box. The unit you enter in the square feet box will be automatically determined and recorded in the square yards box. It's that simple and quick!

Step 1: Type the square feet unit that you want to transform.

Step 2: Click on the "Convert" option.

Step 3: You will get the calculation of the sq feet to sq yard conversion on the screen.

What is square feet?

The square feet is an area measurement unit widely used in the United States and Imperial measurement systems. It is considered an area of a square with one-feet/foot sides. It is a measurement unit inferred from the square and its area and the side length, which is evaluated in feet.

The square feet is used in several countries, including the United States,  Canada, the United Kingdom, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Singapore, and Hong Kong. 

In India, the square foot (square feet) is widely used for most residential real estate transactions, including houses, villas, apartments, flats, even residential plots, office spaces, shops, and commercial spaces. Square feet is intricately bound to interior decoration measurements, architecture, and real estate in India and worldwide.

One sq ft is equal to (1/9) sq yard.

Length in square feet is represented by the symbol "sq ft".

What is square yards?

A square yard is a unit of area/ length used in the imperial convention and is accepted worldwide. It is considered as an area of a square with a yard as the sides. One square yard equals nine sq ft. in the conventional systems. 

Square yards is abbreviated as sq. yard.

How to convert square feet to square yards?

Converting square feet to square yards is easy once you are familiar with doing that. 

As you know, 1 square yard is equivalent to 9 sq ft, so a widely used system of converting square feet to square yards is by dividing with 1/9. 

To convert back from square yards to square feet, multiply the quantity by 9. [for example, x sq. yard = (9x) sq. ft]

Formula to Convert sq ft to sq yard

1 square feet is equivalent to 1/9 square yard. If you intend to determine the measurement in a square yard, you have to divide the square feet figure by 9 to convert it into square yards.

Examples to convert square feet to square yards

I: To convert 20 square feet to square yard, divide it by 9.

Which means 20 = 20/9 = 2.222

Therefore, 20 square feet = 2.222 square yards.


II: To convert 40 square feet to square yard, divide it by 9.

Which means 40 = 40/9 = 4.444

Therefore, 40 square feet = square yards.

FAQs for square feet to square yards conversion

1. 1 square feet is equivalent to how many square yards?
One square feet is equal to 1/9 square yard. (1 sq ft = (1/9) sq yard)

2. What is the standard formula to calculate the square feet to square yards? 
The standard formula to calculate the square feet to the square yard is by dividing the value by 9. [(1 sq ft = (1/9) sq yard)]

3. How many square yards are there in 55 square feet?
To transform 55 square feet to square yards, you will need to divide the figure by 9. Which means 55 square feet is equal to 6.111 square yards. Therefore there are 6.111 square yards in 55 square feet. 

Square Feet/Foot to Square Yard Conversion Table

Square Feet/Foot ( sq ft )

Square Yard ( sq yd )

Square Feet to Square Yards (Sq ft to Sq yards) Converter

0.01sq ft

0.001 sq yd

0.01 sq ft is equal to 0.001 sq yd

0.1sq ft

0.011 sq yd

0.1 sq ft is equal to 0.011 sq yd

1sq ft

0.111 sq yd

1 sq ft is equal to 0.111 sq yd

2sq ft

0.222 sq yd

2 sq ft is equal to 0.222 sq yd

3sq ft

0.333 sq yd

3 sq ft is equal to 0.333 sq yd

4sq ft

0.444 sq yd

4 sq ft is equal to 0.444 sq yd

5sq ft

0.555 sq yd

5 sq ft is equal to 0.555 sq yd

6sq ft

0.667 sq yd

6 sq ft is equal to 0.667 sq yd

7sq ft

0.778 sq yd

7 sq ft is equal to 0.778 sq yd

8sq ft

0.889 sq yd

8 sq ft is equal to 0.889 sq yd

9sq ft

1 sq yd

9 sq ft is equal to 1 sq yd

10sq ft

1.111 sq yd

10 sq ft is equal to 1.111 sq yd

20sq ft

2.222 sq yd

20 sq ft is equal to 2.222 sq yd

30sq ft

3.333 sq yd

30 sq ft is equal to 3.333 sq yd

40sq ft

4.444 sq yd

40 sq ft is equal to 4.444 sq yd

50sq ft

5.555 sq yd

50 sq ft is equal to 5.555 sq yd

60sq ft

6.666 sq yd

60 sq ft is equal to 6.666 sq yd

70sq ft

7.777 sq yd

70 sq ft is equal to 7.777 sq yd

80sq ft

8.888 sq yd

80 sq ft is equal to 8.888 sq yd

90sq ft

9.999 sq yd

90 sq ft is equal to 9.999 sq yd

100sq ft

11.110 sq yd

100 sq ft is equal to 11.110 sq yd

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