Things They Never Tell You About College Life


Updated On: May 18, 2016 02:44 pm IST

While growing up, how many times have you been screamed at by your parents for not studying? My most jarring and hard hitting moments were when my mot
Things They Never Tell You About College Life

While growing up, how many times have you been screamed at by your parents for not studying? My most jarring and hard hitting moments were when my mother assumed that the next door kid will end up getting more marks than me in the Board exams and made no effort to hide her contempt at that! It did not matter, if I had that quotient (and inclination) to get a 99.9% in my Class 12 Board exams or not!

Boy, did I wait to goto college. Probably, this was the only reason why I studied real hard in my Board exams, and not to clear any entrance exams like JEE or AIPMT or NEET. I sympathise with all the kids who are gearing up to goto college and have to go through this rigmarole of clearing the entrance tests. No really, I do.

But I am more concerned about the students who are fed up of studying and who 'think' that life in high school is jail and cannot wait to live their freedom! Sorry to burst your bubble guys, but life is not all hunky dory when you are in college.

Sure, there are no nagging parents at your backs, but there are professors, who make sure that life is hell. And not to mention the college officials, who think they are responsible to make your life great! And God forbid if you are in the hostel... besides being picked at for the first three months of your stay and the inedible mess food (this is when you think about that bitter gourd curry that mom used to make, but which you never appreciated!) and the lack of the luxuries of life, life can be pretty tough.

But hey, life can be chilled out too, what with the late night 'group studies', mass bunks, proxy attendances and everyone by your side (trust me, if you ever get into a management vs student fight, you will be amazed how many people stand up for you! Some of them you don't even know!). It's all about your attitude and how you suck it up!

And these are some of the things that you may not have anticipated in college, but they do happen. So, just a teaser of how life is going to be like in college.



It is one of the very important things. In school you have a schedule for everything but in college you are a free spirit so you try to take on more... of not classes (unless you are the Chatur of 3 Idiots) but 'socs' (sorry if you are not the cool types. It means societies in college lingo!) like drama, choreo, debates, creative etc. While it is super if you are able to sustain it thorughout your college life, many a times, other priorities, your love for sleeping take over (because you are always so tired) and there is little love left for your passions. So, don't fall prey to the obvious goodness of life, instead, balance it out!



When in school, you want to be friends with everyone and be this cool, popular person whom everyone knows, likes and talks about. But by the time you reach college, you develop a newfound love for privacy. You like your space and don't want anyone to encroach upon it, unless you have given them your much sacred permission!

Blame it on living life without a harness, but sometimes, you want to take a step back from the chaos, and give yourself a break. This especially happens, if you turn yourself into a party and social animal.



Too much of anything is not good. You will not believe it now because you are still technically in school and because you need permission (and money) for it, but when there is no one to nag you about it, you kind of lose control. The result? Endless days (nights) of nonsensical socialising may get to you, so much so, that you may loathe it. Yes, you will always have friends in college who will push you, but there will be a time when you say, 'everything hurts!'



Your family, especially your parents are the only people in the world who love you unconditionally. Believe it. It's funny how much we hate our parents being so involved in our lives, but understand, it is their job, their duty to protect you. And you feel as if you have no space to breathe right now, and once you enter college and get to live life without any restrictions, you will enjoy it at first, but will miss being fussed about and miss being given the biggest attention. You may find yourself lost in a maze of people and events! So enjoy it while you have it!



The major change you will witness once you join college is how poor you will be all the time you! And you will not have your parents around 24/7 to help you out (alarm bells!). And rest assured, all your friends will be as broke as you would be. So, we suggest that you keep your inpulsive shoppings in check. The good news is you can work when you are in college - part time. With the dynamic job market that India is witnessing at the moment, it may be a good opportunity to start exploring. Who knows, it may just aid you in your career path! Plus, a little extra money never hurt anybody!



You must be used to eating pre-cooked hot meals while you are ins school. And being pampered with a variety of choices every day. And even after all that, you may be used to throwing tantrums! Well, enjoy all you can while you have that luxury, because in no time, you will practically live on the food that's served at your college's or neighbouring college's (depending where your hangout is) unhealthy and unhygenic canteen! Take our advice and start exploring easy cooking techniques (your own set of DIY's) on internet! Besides, who knows, you may turn out to be the next Marco Pierre White!

Life is a continuous journey and it the journey that counts, not the destination. So, while getting into college may open up a whole new world for you, remember, you are the artist of your own life. And what picture you paint is in your hands! So, keep an open mind, enjoy new experiences and learn from them. But most importantly, have fun growing up! Stay Awesome!

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