List of High Scoring Topics in Chemistry for JEE Main 2024

Shilpa Pradhan

Updated On: April 03, 2024 03:35 pm IST | JEE Main

This article includes an extensive overview of key topics for the Chemistry component of the JEE Main 2024 Exam. For a better understanding, candidates can analyze all the topics and their weightage.

List of High Scoring Topics in Chemistry for JEE Main 2024

High Scoring Topics in JEE Main 2024 Chemistry: JEE Chemistry is considered a relatively easier and high-scoring subject for JEE Main 2024. This is because the paper has more theoretical and application-based questions than calculation-based ones. The student's marks in JEE Main 2024 are heavily influenced by the chemistry paper. It's important to perform well on the JEE Main 2024 to be accepted into the best engineering colleges. What are the important chapters for JEE chemistry? This is a frequent concern for aspirant students who want to perform well. We have included a list of all the crucial JEE Chemistry topics to make it easier for you to prepare for the JEE Main 2024 .


JEE Main 2024 session 2 exam will be held on April 4, 5, 6, 8, and 9, 2024 for Paper 1 and April 12 for Paper 2. For the majority of students attempting to take an engineering entrance exam, the chemistry section determines their rank because it focuses primarily on fundamental concepts, and because, in contrast to the math and physics questions in the JEE, Chemistry questions are more theoretical than calculative, making it easier for students to perform well in this section. The ideal method for preparing for the JEE Chemistry section is to analyze the question papers from previous years and make all the concepts stronger as a result.

All of the chemical compositions, reactions, processes, chain reactions, and question quality are extremely similar. The only variation in the questions' difficulty level in JEE exams has been asked repeatedly. Read the full article to know all the important topics of Chemistry for JEE Main 2024.

Also Read: JEE Main Deleted Syllabus 2024

Most Important Chemistry Topics of JEE Main 2024

The detailed tabular representation of the most important Chemistry Topics of JEE Main 2024 is provided below. Candidates can go through it to know which topics they need to focus more on.

Name of the Chapter

Name of Topic

Important Topics

Atomic Structure

  • Photoelectric effect
  • Line spectrum of hydrogen
  • Radius
  • Debroglie wavelength
  • Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle
  • Line spectrum of hydrogen
  • Radius
  • Debroglie wavelength

Some basic concepts in chemistry

  • Empirical Formula And Molecular Formula
  • Stoichiometry, Stoichiometric Calculations And Limiting Reagent
  • Reactions in Solutions
  • Stoichiometry, Stoichiometric Calculations And Limiting Reagent
  • Reactions in Solutions

States of matter

  • Gas Laws- Boyle’s Law
  • Intermolecular Forces
  • Ideal Gas Equation
  • Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressure
  • Graham’s Law of Diffusion
  • Gas Laws- Boyle’s Law
  • Intermolecular Forces
  • Ideal Gas Equation

d - and f - BLOCK ELEMENTS

  • Screening Effect and Lanthanoid Contraction
  • Atomic Size/Radii
  • Ionisation Energy
  • Oxidation State
  • Magnetic Properties and Character
  • Atomic Size/Radii
  • Ionisation Energy
  • Oxidation State

S - Block Elements (Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metals)

  • Chemical Properties of Alkali Metals - 1
  • Chemical Properties of Alkali Metals - 2
  • Anomalous Behaviour of Lithium
  • Halides of Alkali Metals
  • Sodium Chloride and Sodium Hydroxide
  • Chemical Properties of Alkali Metals - 1
  • Chemical Properties of Alkali Metals - 2
  • Anomalous Behaviour of Lithium

Co-ordination Compounds

  • Addition Compounds or Molecular Compounds
  • Terminologies Related to Coordination Compounds
  • Types of Ligands - 1
  • Oxidation Number
  • Coordination Number
  • Types of Ligands - 1
  • Oxidation Number
  • Coordination Number

Purification and Characterisation of Organic Compounds

  • Sublimation and Crystallisation
  • Distillation under reduced pressure and Steam distillation
  • Chromatography
  • Test for Halogens
  • Duma's Method
  • Sublimation and Crystallisation
  • Distillation under reduced pressure and Steam distillation
  • Chromatography

Some Basic Principles of Organic Chemistry

  • Functional Group
  • IUPAC Nomenclature - 1
  • Carbocations
  • Carbanions
  • Alkyl Free Radicals
  • IUPAC Nomenclature - 1
  • Carbocations

Organic Compounds containing Halogens

  • Nature of C-X bond and Physical Properties
  • Reaction with PCl5, PCl3, SOCl2 and HX
  • Strong and Weak bases
  • SN2 Reaction
  • SN1 Reaction
  • Strong and Weak bases
  • SN2 Reaction
  • SN1 Reaction

Organic Compounds containing Oxygen

  • Grignard Reagent - 1
  • Reduction by LiAlH4 and NaBH4
  • Acylation and Oxidation of Alcohols
  • Reaction of Phenols with dil. HNO3
  • Preparation of Aldehydes
  • Grignard Reagent - 1
  • Reduction by LiAlH4 and NaBH4
  • Acylation and Oxidation of Alcohols
  • Reaction of Phenols with dil. HNO3

Chemistry in Everyday Life

  • Analgesics
  • Antibiotics
  • Preservatives

Principles Related to Practical Chemistry

  • Preliminary Test with Dilute Sulphuric Acid (Systematic Analysis of Anions):
  • Analysis of Cations

Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure

  • Lewis Representation of Simple Molecules (Lewis Structure)
  • Limitations of The Octet Rule
  • Bond Parameters: length, angle, energy, strength
  • Fazan’s Rule and Covalent Character in Ionic Bond
  • p?-p? and p?-d? bonding
  • Lewis Representation of Simple Molecules (Lewis Structure)
  • Limitations of The Octet Rule

Classification of Elements and Periodic table

  • Long form of Modern periodic table
  • Classification of Elements : s-block
  • Atomic Radius of Elements
  • Variation of Atomic Radii and ionic radii
  • Ionisation Enthalpy or Ionisation Potential
  • Atomic Radius of Elements
  • Classification of Elements : s-block

Quick Link: Top 10 Scoring Topics in JEE Main 2024 Chemistry

JEE Main Weightage WiseTopics For Chemistry

There are various topics for JEE Main 2024 Chemistry paper. Here is a list of the JEE Main Weightage WiseTopics For Chemistry.

High Weightage

Low Weightage

Atomic Structure

Chemical Equilibrium

Gaseous & Liquid State

Redox & Volumetric Analysis



Chemical Kinetics


Nuclear & Surface Chemistry

Qualitative Analysis

Chemical Bonding


d-Block Elements

Mole Concept

Co-ordination Compound

Ionic Equilibrium

Alkyl Halides

Solid State

Aromatic Compounds

s-Block Elements


Periodic Classification

p-Block Elements

Classification & Nomenclature

General Organic Chemistry

Alcohol & Ether


Nitrogen Compounds & Aliphatic Amines

Aldehydes and Ketones

Biomolecules & Polymers

Carboxylic Acids & Its Derivatives


JEE Main Chemistry Scoring Concepts

JEE Main basic concepts and scoring concepts are provided in the list below-

Basic concepts: (1-2 marks each)

  • IUPAC Nomenclature
  • Periodic Table
  • Chemical Bonding

Easy and Scoring concepts:

  • Mole Concept
  • Coordination Chemistry
  • Alcohol, Phenols, and Ethers
  • p-Block element

Topics that must be covered at least once include Ionic Equilibrium, Alkyl Halides and Aryl Halides, Amines, Biomolecules, Environmental Chemistry, Chemical Kinetics, Isomerism of Organic Compounds, Hydrogen and its Compounds, Chemical Equilibrium.

JEE Main Chemistry- Important Topics (with 2-3 Questions each)

  • Aldehydes and Ketones
  • d & f Block Elements
  • General Organic Chemistry
  • Atomic Structure
  • Gaseous State
  • Hydrocarbons

JEE Main Chemistry Important Topics Examined Previously in JEE Main/Advanced

  • Transition Element and Coordination Chemistry
  • Periodic Table and Representative Elements
  • Gaseous State
  • Atomic structure
  • Amines
  • Solution and Colligative Properties
  • General Organic Chemistry
  • Carboxylic Acids and Derivatives
  • Hydrocarbons
  • Carbohydrates, Amino Acids, and Polymer

Chemistry Topic-wise Weightage in JEE Mains

Provided below is the list of important topics and their weightage of marks that have been quite relevant from the previous year's question paper.


Number Of Questions

Weightage of Marks




General Organic Chemistry






Carbohydrate, amino acid and Polymers



Alkyl Halides



Carboxylic Acid and their Derivatives



Aromatic Compound



Redox Reaction



Mole Concept



Solution and Colligative Properties






Chemical Kinetics



Solid-State And Surface Chemistry



Thermodynamics And Gaseous State



Chemical Bonding



Chemical And Ionic Equilibrium



Atomic Structure



Nuclear Chemistry And Environment



The Periodic Table and Representative Elements



Transition Elements and Coordination Chemistry



How to Prepare for JEE Main 2024 Chemistry

The chemistry subject is divided into three parts- physical, organic, and inorganic chemistry:

Physical Chemistry

Candidates are suggested to keep a notebook so they can quickly revise any easy formulas for chapters like atomic structure, solid state, ionic equilibrium, electrochemistry, and thermochemistry. Be careful of the conditions in which these equations cannot be applied directly. The above topics should be given more attention because more questions are frequently asked about these topics. Also, keep in mind that log 2 (0.3010) and log 3 (0.4771) are important numbers to understand because they frequently appear in calculations.

Organic Chemistry

Candidates should focus on various name reactions they have encountered and their mechanisms in this section. The experts advise that questions relating to reactions like Ozonolysis, Aldol, Cannizzaro, Perkin, and Hoffmann should be regularly practiced. The GOC should receive special attention (General Organic Chemistry). One should be able to compare the stability of reaction intermediates as well as questions about acidity and basicity. It is important to thoroughly study isomerism and organic molecules containing oxygen. The evaluations of the various functional groupings should also be memorized.

Inorganic Chemistry

Here again, a candidate will be required to keep a note to record minor details about the composition of alloys and the formula of ores that frequently come up in objective questions. In addition to this, the emphasis should be on topics like chemical bonding, p-block elements, and coordination chemistry because these are the ones where the majority of exam questions are formed.

List of High Scoring Topics In JEE Main Physical Chemistry

Name of the Chapter

High Scoring Topics

Atomic Structure

Radius, velocity and the energy of nth Bohr orbital

Quantum Numbers

Photoelectric effect

Debroglie wavelength

Line spectrum of hydrogen

Radial nodes and planar nodes

Electronic configuration of any element

Chemical Kinetics

Effect of Temperature on Rate of Reaction: Accurate Dependency of K on T

First Order Reaction

Half Life of First Order Reaction


Solubility and Solubility Product

Types of Equilibrium Constant

pH of solution/mixture

Relation between Kp and Kc

Characteristics of Equilibrium Constant

Redox Reaction And Electrochemistry

Balancing of Redox Reaction: Oxidation Number Method

Nernst Equation

Feasibility and Gibbs Free Energy of Reaction

Quantitative Aspect of Electrolytic Cell: Faraday's First Law

Nernst Equation for Full Cell


Concentration Terms

Depression in Freezing Point

van't Hoff factor(i) or Abnormal Colligative Property

Elevation in Boiling Point

Vapour Pressure of Solution Containing Non-Volatile Solute

Osmosis and Osmotic Pressure

Solubility and Henry's Law

Some Basic Concepts In Chemistry

Stoichiometry, Stoichiometric Calculations And Limiting Reagent

Law of Equivalence


Percentage Composition And Equivalent Weight

Reactions in Solutions

List of Most Scoring Topics In JEE Main Organic Chemistry

Name of the Chapter

High Scoring Topics


Diasaccharides and Polysaccharides

Amino Acids - 1




Dehydration of Alcohol by Conc. H2SO4

Markonikov and Anti-markonikov Reaction

Friedel craft alkylation

Organic Compounds Containing Halogens

Nucleophilic Substitution

SN1 Reaction

Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen

Reaction with NaNO2 + HCl

Azo-Coupling Reaction

Hoffmann Bromamide Reaction

Test for Amines

Alkylation and Acylation of Amines

Methods of Preparation of Amines

Basicity of Aromatic Amines

Basicity of Aliphatic Amines

Organic Compounds Containing Oxygen

Reduction and Oxidation Reaction

Nucelophilic Addition Reaction

Haloform Reaction

Properties of Phenols

Chemical Properties of Carboxylic Acids

Methods of Preparation of Carboxylic Acids

Grignard Reagent - 1

Grignard Reagent - 2

Reduction by LiAlH4 and NaBH4

Acidity in Carboxylic Acids

Principles Related To Practical Chemistry

Wet Tests for Identification of Cations

Purification And Characterisation Of Organic Compounds


Carius Method (Halogen and Sulphur)

Some Basic Principles Of Organic Chemistry

Mixed Questions - 1

Structural and Geometrical Isomerism

IUPAC Nomenclature - 2

List of High Scoring Topics In JEE Main Inorganic Chemistry

Name of the Chapter

High Scoring Topics

Chemical Bonding And Molecular Structure

How to Find Hybridisation

Shapes of Molecules

Energy Level Diagram for Molecules

Electronic Configuration for Molecules

Classification Of Elements And Periodic Table

Ionisation Enthalpy or Ionisation Potential

Variation of Atomic Radii and ionic radii

Co-ordination Compounds

Applications of CFT

Magnetic Moment(On the Basis of VBT)


Crystal Field Splitting in Octahedral Field

D - And F - Block Elements


Oxidation State

Magnetic Properties and Character


Chemical Properties of Lanthanoids

Ways to Excel in JEE Chemistry

Here are some pointers to excel if you are aspiring to score a healthy marks in JEE Main Chemistry.

Quality over quantity

Using too many reference books can leave you confused about which topic to learn from which book. This frequently results in leaving out a few things. Every student has a different understanding level, therefore you should choose books that are simple enough for you to understand. Prepare your notes once the topic and chapter have been covered.

Mock Test

The best strategy you can use to achieve a high JEE chemistry score is to take as many mock test series as you can. You can prepare for the JEE mains exam in 2024 by taking a series of practice tests based on the NTA paper pattern, which provides an idea of the kinds of questions that will be on the test.

Revision is the Key

Preparing for the JEE Main Chemistry 2024 revision should be a regular process. You should not delay revision till the completion of the whole JEE Main syllabus 2024 , you should keep revisions regular instead i.e. after the completion of every chapter. Regular revision will help you retain all the information that you have studied before. Regular revisions help you with your weak areas and make them strong. It also gives you an idea of the topics that you are lagging at.

Periodic Table

Before beginning your JEE Mains 2024 preparation, make a huge periodic table and tape it in front of your study desk. Finding the physical and chemical properties of the elements will be made easier by memorizing and recalling them.

Learn Formulas

Acquiring a thorough knowledge of radioactivity, kinetics, equilibrium, and chemical bonding formulas. You will have enough time in the exam to spare if you memorize the formulas. It will decrease the number of calculations as well as the possibility of errors.

Focus on all 3

Develop a strategy to dominate all three aspects of chemistry. To do well in the JEE Mains 2024, you must have a strong command of all three subjects.

Benefits of Studying the Topics Already Covered in Previous Exams

There are several benefits to solving previous years' JEE Main question papers.

The following are the top five benefits of solving previous years' JEE Main question papers:

  • Better Time Management
  • Practice Makes Perfect
  • Improve the JEE Main Preparation Methods
  • Get Familiar with the Exam Pattern
  • Evaluate the Areas of Strength and Weakness
  • Revise regularly what you study
  • Solve mock test papers

Time Management

Candidates are required to manage their time wisely once they start attempting previous years' question papers. One of the most significant advantages of solving previous years' JEE Main question papers. Besides that, it is regarded as a very good practice. It not only increases speed but also enhances accuracy over time. Moreover, time is crucial when taking any exam, and in the case of JEE Main, it is one of the most important factors.

Proper time management can produce significant benefits, and candidates can complete the paper on time.

Practice More

As the proverb goes, "practice makes perfect," thus everything that has been regularly practiced will result in improved outcomes. In this situation, students are automatically expected to perform well if they spend a lot of time studying questions from prior exams.  Other than that, using past JEE Mains practice exams is the sole way to gauge one's level of preparedness. The candidates can now assess their degree of readiness immediately.  Additionally, based on their evaluation, candidates might concentrate on bridging the preparation gap.

Know Your Exam Pattern

The JEE Main exam is one of the most difficult national-level exams, and competition is tough throughout the exam. As a result, to start preparing, the candidate needs to be aware of the exact exam format.

Evaluate Your Preparedness

As you go through the question paper, make sure to read it attentively. Mark the questions that are known, and leave the others blank. It is the best technique for responding to both known and hypothetical topics. Additionally, candidates can classify the exam in terms of difficulty level - difficult, moderate, or easy after completing JEE Main papers of previous years.

Solve Mock Test Papers

It is highly recommended that students regularly complete mock tests. Students can assess their level of preparation and improve their problem-solving skills by taking mock exams. Students are advised to finish three hours of timed online mock tests. Candidates who want to pass the JEE Main exams might select the NTA portal or any other website that provides free mock tests.

Revise Regularly What You Study

No matter how well you prepare, revision is still important before any exam. Exam preparation improves applicants' conceptual memory. Any topic that has been reviewed will help a candidate remember all the key details that they would otherwise be unable to or more likely to forget during the exam.

Improve JEE Main Preparation Methods

Improving JEE Main preparation should be the ultimate goal. By solving questions from the previous year, you can acquire a sense of the exam format and the number of questions from various sections of the course. Students should always maintain flexibility in their schedules and methods for studying for exams because of this. They will naturally be able to improve themselves and their preparation methods because of it. They can also set aside time to revise the most recent syllabus updates and concentrate more on their areas of strength and weakness.

Why Focus More On High Scoring Topics in Chemistry for JEE Main 2024?

Understanding the importance of focusing on the most scoring topics in Chemistry for JEE Main 2024 is crucial for securing a good score in the JEE Main exam. Some of the top five reasons why every JEE Main aspirant should prioritize the most important topics in Chemistry for JEE Main have been listed below.

  • Key Concepts: These topics form the core of the subject.
  • Weightage: Easy and scoring chapters for JEE Main Chemistry carry more weightage in the exam.
  • Overall Score: Focusing on the high scoring topics in JEE Main Chemistry contributes to an overall good score.
  • Deeper Understanding: They enable in developing a deeper understanding of the subject.
  • JEE Advanced Preparation: Mastery of the high scoring topics in JEE Main Chemistry also aids in the JEE Advanced 2024 preparation.

Also Check, JEE Main Subject Wise Syllabus 2024

JEE Main 2024 Physics Syllabus PDF

JEE Main 2024 Chemistry Syllabus PDF

JEE Main 2024 Maths Syllabus PDF

Related Links to Download JEE Main Question Paper PDF

The table below features year-wise JEE Main Question Papers that students can practice thoroughly after revision.

JEE Main Question Paper 2023 JEE Main Question Paper 2022 JEE Main Question Paper 2021 JEE Main Question Paper 2020
JEE Main Question Paper 2019 JEE Main Question Paper 2018 JEE Main Question Paper 2017 -

We hope the information provided here has been useful to you. We wish you all the best for your upcoming JEE Main 2024 exams. For more such updates stay tuned to College Dekho!

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Why is Physical Chemistry important in the JEE Main Chemistry section?

The JEE Main has a section on Numericals, in this case, Physical Chemistry plays a crucial role in securing more marks.


Is NCERT enough for the JEE Main Chemistry section?

No, NCERT provides you with the basic knowledge of Chemistry, however, NCERT is good for Inorganic Chemistry but for Physical and Organic Chemistry, you need some reference books for theory and for practice.


Are Aldehydes and Ketones important for the JEE Main Organic Chemistry section?

Yes. Chapters such as Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids are very important for the JEE Main Organic Chemistry section.


What is the marks distribution for JEE Main Chemistry as per class?

Chemistry questions are the amalgamation of almost equal weightage of class 11 and class 12 for the JEE Main 2024 exam.


Is NCERT enough for IIT chemistry?

NCERT proves to be an excellent resource for Inorganic Chemistry, given that a significant number of questions in this section are drawn directly from the book. However, in order to prepare for other aspects of Chemistry, such as Physical Chemistry, it is essential to refer to supplementary study materials and books that are specifically designed for JEE preparation.

Is JEE 2024 syllabus for Chemistry reduced?

Yes, several chapters of JEE Main Chemistry have been reduced. Some of these deleted topics include Surface Chemistry,  Alcohol Phenol and Ether, States of Matter, S-block Elements, Hydrogen, General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Metals, Environmental Chemistry, and Polymers.

Which are the most important chemistry chapters for JEE Mains?

Some of the important topics of JEE Mains Chemistry are Atomic Structure, Some basic concepts in chemistry, States of matter, d - and f - BLOCK ELEMENTS, S - Block Elements (Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metals), Co-ordination Compounds, Purification and Characterisation of Organic Compounds, Some Basic Principles of Organic Chemistry, Organic Compounds containing Halogens, Organic Compounds containing Oxygen, Chemistry in Everyday Life, Principles Related to Practical Chemistry, Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure, Classification of Elements and Periodic table.

Is JEE 2024 tough?

Based on the trends of the previous year and the rising competition, it is predicted that the JEE Main 2024 exam is going to be moderately to highly challenging.

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