30 Days Study Plan for NEET 2024


Updated On: April 15, 2024 10:18 pm IST | NEET

The 30 days study plan for NEET 2024 comprises all the important topics to be covered in a week-by-week preparation strategy, to be best prepared for the NEET UG Exam 2024, scheduled on May 5, 2024. A detailed study plan for NEET 2024 in 30 days is mentioned below for reference. 

30-Day Study Plan for NEET 2024

The 30 days study plan for NEET 2024 is designed to help students accelerate their preparation phase through regular revisions, clearing doubts, segregating weak points, focusing on the important topics and the like. It is not only a constructive method to improve quick learning processes in students but also a strategic approach to preparing for the challenging NEET UG 2024 exam. While it is no doubt that the preparation tactics for the NEET Entrance Exam needs to be thoroughly pre-planned, it all comes down to the best last minute preparation progress just a month prior to the day of exam which makes an actual difference.

The NEET 2024 Exam is scheduled to be conducted on May 5, 2024. With only a few days left for the big day, candidates must focus on the NEET timetable for 1 month study plan for admission to top medical colleges across MBBS/BDS/AYUSH courses. Once the candidates are aware of the last 30 days strategy for NEET in detail, they'll be able to move their preparation progress faster and in a comprehensive manner. Thus, to help students achieve their expected NEET 2024 Scores, we have come up with this article listing the important topics to be covered in Physics, Chemistry and Biology during the 30 days study plan for NEET 2024. Keep reading on further to find out the important details pertaining to the neet timetable for 1 month study plan in detail.

Also read:

NEET Application Form 2024

NEET Syllabus 2024

NEET Exam Pattern 2024

NEET 2024 Preparation Tips

NEET 2024: 30-Days Study Plan: Weekly Timetable for  Revision

To help aspirants beat the stress before exam, we have prepared a weekly timetable that will allow them to go ahead with the Last-Minute NEET 2024 Revision in a systematic manner. Students can follow this timetable on a daily basis for the next one month:

Week 1 – Start with a combination of the more important and less important topics from the NEET UG syllabus







Units and Dimensions, Physical World Measurements and Errors, Physical World and Measurements

Atomic and Molecular Weights, Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry

The Living World Plant Kingdom, Biological Classification, Diversity in Living World



Motion Under Gravity Graphs, Oblique Projection, Horizontal Projection, Relative Velocity, Kinematics, Product of Vectors, Vector Addition

Bohr’s Model, Hydrogen Spectrum, Quantum Mechanical Model of Atom Spectra, De-Broglie Wave Theory, Fundamental Particles, Introduction to Atomic Structure

Morphology of Angiosperms, Structural Organization in Plants



Connected Bodies, Laws of Motion, Horizontal Plane, Block on Block, Inclined Plane Laws of Motion, Horizontal Circular Motion

Electron Affinity, Periodic Classification of Elements, Valency Oxidation

Cell: Structure and Function



Vertical Circular Motion, Power and Energy Collisions, Work, Power and Energy

Chemical Bonding, Hydrogen Bond, Coordinate Covalent Bond, Bond Characteristics, Vsepr Theory

Plant Physiology, Photosynthesis, Water Relations



The Motion of System of Particles and Rigid Body, Centre of Mass, Moment of Inertia

Inter Molecular Interactions, States of Matter, Properties of Gases, Ideal Gas Equation Gas Laws, Real Gases, Kinetic Molecular Model of Gas, The Liquid State Graham’s Law of Diffusion

Plant Growtd Development, Plant Physiology, Respiration



Gravitation, Basic Forces and Kepler's Laws, Variation of "g, Orbital & Escape Velocities

Hess’s Law


Mineral Nutrition, Nitrogen Metabolism, Plant Physiology



At the end of the week, practice NEET UG 2024 sample papers on the above topics that you have studied and revised the whole week. Also, set e a timer for yourself to learn better time management skills.

Week 2 – Go through new chapters while also revising the previously studied topics for the NEET UG syllabus







Elasticity, Properties of Bulk Matter, Surface Tension – Surface Energy,

Mechanics, Energy, Capillarity – Excess Pressure Thermometry, Viscosity, Expansion of Gases, Transfer of Heat, Expansion of Solids, Expansion of Liquids Fluid

Chemical Equilibrium, Solutions

Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants, Reproduction in Plants

Structural Organization in Plants, Diversity in Living World, Physical World and Measurements, Kinematics, Atomic Structure, Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry


Potential Electrical Capacity, Electrostatics, Law and Electric, Field Electric

Redox Reactions, Hydrocarbons

Diversity in Living World, Animal Physiology

Cell Structure and Function, Laws of Motion, Chemical Bonding, Plant Physiology, Work, Power and Energy


Circuits, Kirchhoff’s Laws and Bridges Potentiometer Cells, Current Electricity, Ohm’s Law

Organic Chemistry, Hydrogen and Its Compounds

Structural Organization in Animals

Gravitation, Thermodynamics, States of Matter, Reproduction in Plants


Kinetic Theory of Gases

Bragg’s Equation, Defects and Properties of Solids, Solid State, Introduction to Solutions

Locomotion and Movement, Human Physiology, Breathing and Exchange of Gases, Introduction to Neural System, Neuron Structure

Electrostatics, Chemical Equilibrium, Properties of Bulk Matter, Diversity in Living World


Thermodynamics, Calorimetry and Joules Law, Heat Engines

s-Block, p-Block Elements, Environmental Chemistry, Alkaline Earth Metals, Alkali Metals

Digestion and Absorption, Human Physiology, Circulation, Excretory Systems

Gravitation, Thermodynamics, States of Matter, Reproduction in Plants


Simple Harmonic EnginesMotion, Pendulum Wave Motions, Oscil,lations and Waves

Chemical Kinetics, Molecularity, Surface Chemistry, Determination of Order of Reaction, General Principles of Metallurgy, General Principles and Process of Isolations of Elements

Central Nervous System, Peripheral Nervous System, Autonomous Nervous System, Human Physiology

Hydrocarbons, Redox Reactions, Organic Chemistry, Hydrogen and Its Compounds, Human Physiology


At the end of the week, attempt NEET 2024 Online Mock Tests to test your knowledge of these chapters and analyze your performance based on the scores. Thus, you will be able to dedicate the next two weeks working on your weak points.

Week 3 – Spend more time revising the chapters







Effects of Currents and Magnetism, Electro-Magnetic Waves

Introduction to Electro Chemistry Conductors & Conductivity, Electrolysis, Faraday’s Laws, Electrochemical Cells, EMF of Cell, Electrode Potentials, Electro-Chemical Series

Reproduction, Reproductive Health

Environmental Chemistry, Thermodynamics, P-Block & S-Block Elements, Human Physiology, Solid State, Kinetic Theory of Gases


Electromagnetic Induction, Alternating Currents

P-Block, D & F-Block Elements

Genetics and Evolution

Electrochemistry, Oscillations and Waves, Magnetic Effects of Currents and Magnetism, Chemical Kinetics, Reproduction


Optical Instruments and Dispersion, Optics Reflection, Refraction Lenses & Prism, Interference, Diffraction and Polarization

Haloalkanes and Haloarenes, Coordinate Compounds

Human Health and Diseases, Biology and Human Welfare, Animal Husbandry

P-Block Elements, Electro-Magnetic Waves, Alternating Currents, Genetics and Evolution


Dual Nature of Matter & Radiation, Waves

Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen, Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids


Optics, D & F- Block Elements, Haloalkanes and Haloarenes, Coordinate Compounds, Biology and Human Welfare


Atoms and Nuclei, Nuclear Fission and Fusion, Radioactivity, Atoms and Molecules

Biomolecules, Polymers

Ecology and Environment, Environmental Issues, Biodiversity

Dual Nature of Matter & Radiation, Biotechnology


Diodes, Electronic Devices

Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen, Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids, Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers, Chemistry in Everyday Life




At the end of week 3, your aim should be to revise the chapters that you feel you need to work on more

Week 4 – Allot time for final revision, mock tests and solving test papers


NEET 2024 Comprehensive Revision Plan


Structural Organization in Animals & Plants, Plant Physiology, Diversity in the Living World, Reproduction in Plants, Cell Structure and Functions


Kinematics Laws of Motion, Physical World and Measurements, The Motion of a System of Particles and Rigid Body, Electronic Devices, Electrostatics, Properties of Bulk Matter, Gravitation, Work, Power and Energy


Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry, Periodic Classification, Atomic Structure, Chemical Bonding, Thermodynamics, States of Matter, Chemical Equilibrium


Ecology and Environment, Human Physiology, Genetics and Evolution, Reproduction, Biotechnology, Biology and Human Welfare


Atoms and Nuclei, Current Electricity, Kinetic Theory of Gases, Thermodynamics, Oscillations and Waves, Optics, Magnetic Effects of Currents, Dual Nature of Matter and radiation, Alternating Currents


Hydrocarbons, Redox Reactions, Hydrogen and Its Compounds, S-Block & P-Block Elements, Organic Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry, Surface Chemistry, Chemical Kinetics, Solid State, General Principles and Process of Isolations of Elements


Electrochemistry, Coordinate Compounds, P-Block, D & F-Block Elements, Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids, Haloalkanes and Haloarenes, Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen, Polymers, Biomolecules, Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers, Chemistry in Everyday Life


The last two days should only focus on going through the notes and returning to the portions that need more revision.


On the 30th day, keep it light. Revise all the formulas, tables, and laws, and go through the diagrams that you have prepared.

Also Read: How to Score 120+ in NEET UG Physics?

NEET 2024 Exam Pattern

The pattern of the NEET 2024 exam remains the same as last year. Check the table below to get a clear picture of the NEET 2024 exam pattern and marks distribution:



Number of Questions

Marks Allotted

Total Duration


Section A



3 hours 20 minutes

Section B

15 (10 for attempt)



Section A



Section B

15 (10 for attempt)


Biology (Zoology)

Section A



Section B

15 (10 for attempt)


Biology (Botany)

Section A



Section B

15 (10 for attempt)




NEET 2024 Syllabus Overview

NEET 2024 syllabus is based on the chapters and topics covered in Grade XI and Grade XII Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. Students are therefore advised to refer to NCERT textbooks to go through the chapters thoroughly. Here is a quick overview of the complete syllabus:


Topics from Grade XI

Topics from Grade XII

NEET UG Physics Syllabus

Physical-world and measurement

Electro statistics

Laws of Motion

Magnetic effects of Current and Magnetism


Current Electricity

Work, Energy, and Power

Electromagnetic induction and alternating currents

The motion of systems of particles and rigid body

Electromagnetic waves


Atoms and Nuclei

The Behaviour of Perfect Gas and Kinetic theory

Electronic Devices



Properties of Bulk Matter

Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation

Oscillations and wave

NEET UG Chemistry Syllabus

Some basic concepts of Chemistry


Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties


Structure of atom


Chemical Bonding and Molecular structure

Chemical Kinetics


General principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements


P Block elements

States of Matter: Gases and liquids

Surface Chemistry

Redox reactions

D and F block elements


Coordination compounds

s-Block elements (Alkali and Alkaline earth metals)

Halo alkanes and Halo arenes

Organic Chemistry – Some basic principles and techniques

Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids

Some p-Block elements

Alcohols, Phenols, and Ethers


Organic compounds containing Nitrogen

Environmental chemistry

Biomolecules, Polymers, and Chemistry in everyday life

NEET UG Biology Syllabus

Structural organization – Plants and Animals

Genetics and Evolution

Cell Structure and Function

Biology and Human welfare

Diversity in the Living World


Human physiology

Ecology and environment

Plant Physiology

Biotechnol,ogy and its applications

Important Topics for 30 Days Study Plan for NEET 2024

A month before the NEET exam, students should be focusing on topics carrying more weightage instead of treating all chapters as equal. Going by the previous years' question papers , it is observed that certain chapters in Physics, Chemistry and Biology seem to be repetitive in the entrance test. Therefore, after analyzing the previous trends and speaking with our NEET experts, here we have a list of important to be covered to prepare a 30 days study plan for NEET:

Sl. No.













Organic Chemistry


Human Physiology



Electricity & Magnetism


Inorganic Chemistry


Genetics & Evolution



Heat & Thermodynamics


Physical Chemistry










Modern Physics


Diversity in the Living World



Structural Organization in Animals & Plants



Plant Physiology



Cell Structure & Functions






Biology in Human Welfare


*Note – The above weightage analysis is based on the previous years’ NEET question papers and is likely to vary for the upcoming exam

Also Read: Important Topics for NEET UG 2024 Physics

Hourly Planner for NEET 2024 30-Days Study Planner

A month before the NEET 2024, students need to be a bit more organized in their routine and study plan. Without a timetable, it can be very difficult to cope with all the revision work and usual tasks. To make it easier for you, we have prepared an hourly timetable that will help you plan your day ahead and stay focused, disciplined and on top of your NEET 2024 Preparation .




6:00 AM – 6:30 AM

Freshen up and do some meditation

30 minutes

6:30 AM – 8:30 AM

Start your NEET 2024 revision

2.5 hours

8:30 AM – 9:30 AM

Have your breakfast while going through the newspaper

30 minutes

10:00 AM – 2:00 PM

Resume your NEET 2024 revision

3 hours

2:00 PM – 3:30 PM

Have lunch and take a quick nap

1.5 hours

3:30 PM – 6:00 PM

Continue with your revision work

2.5 hours

6:00 PM – 6:45 PM

Take a short break

45 minutes

6:45 PM – 8:45 PM

Get back to your revision work

2 hours

8:45 PM – 9:30 PM

Have dinner

45 minutes

9:30 PM – 10:30 PM

Carry on with NEET 2024 revision

2.5 hours

10:30 PM – 6:00 AM

Go to sleep and wake up fresh

7-8 hours

Also Read: NEET 2024 Daily Practice Problems & Questions

NEET 2024 Preparation Tips for Last 30 Days

In the final 30 days of NEET preparation, students should prioritize doubt-clearing classes, regular mock tests, and practice paper solving. Maintaining mental and physical well-being is crucial during this period. An effective 30-day NEET planner should encompass the following key components:

  1. Practice NEET Sample Papers and Mock Tests: Engaging with mock tests and sample papers provides a comprehensive understanding of the question pattern and effective approaches. This practice allows for a thorough analysis of progress, identification of weaker areas, and valuable insights into time management—a critical aspect of any competitive exam.

  2. Resort to Online Videos by NEET Experts: Utilize online videos and tutorials by NEET experts and toppers to address any doubts related to specific chapters or topics. Additionally, seek valuable tips on stress management during the exam period. Clearing doubts through expert guidance can enhance overall preparation.

  3. Avoid Stress and Distractions: Recognize that the weeks leading up to NEET-UG can be stressful. Manage stress by maintaining confidence in the efforts put in during preparation. Prioritize rest and sleep to safeguard both mental and physical health. Minimize distractions from materialistic items, such as smartphones and gadgets, to stay focused on the exam.

  4. Focus on Revising Concepts: In the last month of NEET 2024 preparation, emphasize revision over learning new topics. Concentrate on reinforcing existing knowledge, ensuring a deep understanding of concepts. Learning new material at this stage may lead to overwhelm and potential forgetting, so stick to revising familiar subjects daily.

    5. Get Instant Doubt Resolution: There is no such thing called a silly doubt. One must not shy away from asking doubts related to concepts. However, make sure you’re asking solution from the right person, preferably a teacher. Get all your doubts cleared and you’ll witness a significant boost in your concept retention.

By incorporating these strategies, students can optimize their preparation during the crucial last 30 days before the NEET exam.

Also Read: Best Books for NEET 2024 Recommended by Toppers

30 Days Study Plan for NEET 2024 Progress Tracker

Reviewing your progress is a crucial aspect of any study plan, particularly in a 30-day study plan for NEET 2024. Here are some tips on how to effectively review your progress:

  1. Set Milestones: Establish specific milestones or goals to achieve within defined time frames. This proactive approach enables you to track your progress and serves as a motivational tool.

  2. Track Your Performance: Regularly monitor your performance in mock tests, practice papers, and other assessments. Identifying areas for improvement allows you to make necessary adjustments to your study plan and enhance your overall preparation.

  3. Reflect on Your Study Habits: Take dedicated time to reflect on your study habits and strategies. Evaluate their effectiveness, considering factors such as focus, motivation, and time management. Use these reflections to make informed adjustments to your study plan.

  4. Get Feedback: Seek feedback from teachers, peers, or coaching institutes. External input provides valuable insights into your strengths and weaknesses, offering suggestions for improvement. Constructive feedback is an essential component of refining your study approach.

  5. Celebrate Your Successes: Acknowledge and celebrate your successes, no matter how small. Recognizing achievements, whether significant or minor, contributes to sustained motivation and a positive mindset throughout your NEET preparation.

Remember, the purpose of reviewing your progress is not solely to pinpoint areas for improvement but also to acknowledge successes and maintain motivation. Regular reviews ensure that you stay on track and make the most of your 30-day study plan for NEET 2024.

Tips & Tricks for NEET 2024 1 Month Study Plan

Mentioned below are the smart tips and tricks to prepare for the upcoming entrance exam by following the NEET 2024 1 Month Study Plan:
  • Follow the 30-day study plan for NEET 2024 consistently to yield the best results.
  • Dedicate adequate time to prepare for each top as specified in the study plan.
  • Keep tracking the preparation progress every week to enhance the quality of preparation.
  • Revise thoroughly according to the NEET timetable for 1 month study plan
  • Rely on NCERT books but also refer to other competitive books and study materials.
  • Take short notes or make flashcards of important topics to memorize them better.
  • Clear your doubts by writing down the confusing formulas, charts, tables, and diagrams separately in a notebook, and work on them.
  • Solve as many NEET sample papers and previous question papers as possible to acquire an understanding of what to expect in the entrance test.
  • Take as many mock tests as you can to evaluate your performance and improve speed and accuracy before the NEET UG 2024 exam.

Last but not least, keep up with your health – eat well, rest up, and give NEET 2024 your best shot!

With proper guidance, preparation and a comprehensive NEET 30-Day planner, students can score 600+ in NEET on the very first attempt. We hope this article has been helpful in providing you with some smart strategies for the upcoming test. For more updates and information related to NEET UG, stay tuned to CollegeDekho !

Good luck!

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