Karnataka Class 12 Arts Syllabus 2023-24 - Check Subject Wise Syllabus

Samia Miraj

Updated On: January 31, 2024 08:45 am IST

Given below, we are sharing the details of the Karnataka Class 12 Arts Syllabus 2023-24. You can check out the details of the Karnataka Class 12 Arts Syllabus 2023-24 according to the different subjects here. 
Karnataka Class 12 Arts Syllabus 2022-23

Never Miss an Exam Update

Karnataka Class 12 Arts Syllabus 2023-24 is released by the Department of Pre-University Education, Karnataka. The students can download the syllabus from the official website of the board in the PDF format. The board provides the syllabus for all subjects of Arts stream. The students preparing for the Karnataka board Class 12 Arts examination can check the subject-wise syllabus here. In addition to checking the Karnataka Class 12 syllabus , students can also go through the Karnataka Class 12 Timetable 2024. The class 12th board examination for Karnataka state will be conducted for March 1 to March 22, 2024. Students can prepare for the exams accordingly.

Going through the Karnataka Class 12 Arts Syllabus 2023-24, students can prepare all subjects. They can cover all the topics included in the subject as per the syllabus. In addition, they can also focus on the marks allotted to each of the chapters. This will help them to know the most important chapters and students can focus more on them. Students along with Karnataka Class 12 Arts syllabus may also check Karnataka Class 12 Exam Pattern 2024 .

Karnataka Class 12 Arts Syllabus 2023-24 For Political Science

You can check out the details related to the Karnataka Class 12 Arts Syllabus 2023-24 for Political Science from the table given below and prepare yourself accordingly:



Origin and growth of the Indian political system

1.1 Government of India Act 1935

1.2 Indian independence Act 1947

1.3 Interim government

1.4 First general elections

1.5 Integration of Princely States

1.6 Re-organization of states

1.7 Geo-Political Map

Elections and Party system in India

2.1 Election – Meaning and Importance

2.2 Methods of Elections

2.3 Election Commission of India

2.4 Electoral Reforms

2.5 Party System in India

2.6 Functions of the Political Parties

2.7 Anti-Defection Law

Administrative machinery in India

3.1 Meaning and Role

3.2 Civil Service – Meaning and Features

3.3 All India Services, Central Services, State Services

3.4 Central, State & District Administration

3.5 CAT and KAT

3.6 UPSC& KPSC –Composition, Functions.

Social movements and their political implications

4.1 Dalit Movement

4.2 Backward Classes Movement

4.3 Peasant’s Movement

4.4 Labour Movement

4.5 Women’s Movement

4.6 Human Rights Movement

4.7 Environment Movement

Nation-building and challenges to Indian democracy

5.1 Nation Building- Components, Hindrances, and Responses

5.2 Challenges to Indian Democracy Inequality- Caste & Gender

as a Slur Reservation & its justification as a Response

5.3 Illiteracy – as an impediment to Democracy Compulsory

Education as response

5.4 Communalism – as a Commination to Democracy. Promotion of

Secularism & National Integration as Remedy

5.5 Terrorism – as a threat to Democracy -Legislative Measures as


5.6 Corruption – as a menace to Democracy The Prevention of Corruption Act as Remedy

Emerging trends in Indian politics

6.1 Coalition Government & Politics

6.2 New Dimensions of Centre-State Relations

6.3 Rise of Identity Politics

6.4 Youth Leadership In Indian Politics

6.5 Youth against Corruption

6.6 Youth against Terrorism

Contemporary political trends

7.1 Liberalisation – Meaning, & features

7.2 Privatisation – Meaning, Importance, Political


7.3 Globalisation – Meaning, Importance, and Political


7.4 Crony Capitalism

7.5 Rise of the Democratic Movement

- Afghanistan, Nepal, Bhutan

- Egypt, Libya, and Syria.

International relations and politics

8.1 Meaning, Definition & importance s

8.2 concepts of International relation

8.3 Development of international political system

8.4 Bi-polar, unipolar & multi-polar world

8.5 International organizations & regional organizations

8.5.1 Meaning, Definition & Development

8.5.2 India and the U.N

8.5.3 India and the ASEAN

8.5.4 India and the SAARC

8.5.5 India and the BRICS

India's Foreign Policy

9.1 Meaning and importance s

9.2 Basic principles of India’s foreign policy

9.3 India’s relation with

- USA, Russia,

- China, Pakistan,

- Bangladesh & Sri Lanka

Karnataka Class 12 Arts Syllabus 2023-24 For Sociology

You can check out the details related to the Karnataka Class 12 Arts Syllabus 2023-24 for Sociology from the table given below and prepare yourself accordingly. After Completing the syllabus students must also practice Karnataka Class 12 Sample papers 2024 .



Making of Indian society

Demographic profile of India, Emergence of a pluralistic society, unity in diversity, national integration and challenges, measures to strengthen the national integration

Social inequality exclusion and inclusion

Social inequality and exclusions.

Changes in the caste system and concept of dominant caste

OBC category and ST

Gender inequality

Inclusive strategies

Affirmative Action Related to SCs, STs & Women:

Meaning of Affirmative Action and Protective


Constitutional Safeguards for the Upliftment of

Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, Legislative

Measures for the Upliftment of Scheduled Castes,

Developmental Measures for the Upliftment of Scheduled

Castes, The Role of Gandhi and B. R. Ambedkar, The Role

of Non-Governmental Organizations in the Upliftment of

SCs and STs, Sulabh Shouchalaya

Tribal Welfare Programmes; Economic Programmes,

Educational Programmes, Research Programmes, Health,

Housing and Other Schemes

Women Empowerment

Family in India

4.1 Meaning, Definitions and Characteristics of Joint Family

4.2 Types of Joint Family: Patriarchal: Illom, Matriarchal:

Tarwad– Oxrilocal residence of Nagamoola Bunts – The

Okka – Coorgies – Patriarchal Joint Family,

Narasinganavar Family

4.3 Advantages and Disadvantages of Joint Family-

Structural and Functional Changes - Causes for Changes

4.4 View of Sociologists on Joint Family - Recent Trends in

Indian Family

Change and Development of Villages

Meaning and Characteristics of Village Community,

Characteristics of Village Community, Indian Villages

through the Ages

5.A.2 Villages Studies and Its Importance

5.A.3 Problems of Indian Villages – Social, Economic and

Agricultural Problems - Farmers Suicide in

Karnataka, Causes of Agrarian Crisis, Understanding

Farmer’s Suicide, The Committees to study the Agrarian Issues in Karnataka, Recent Policy Initiatives

5.A.4 Rural Developmental Programmes; Meaning of Rural

Development, Land Reforms, The Green Revolution,

Panchayathi Raj, Community Development Programme

(CDP), Integrated Rural Development Programme


5.A.5 Changes in Indian Villages: Continuous Migration of

People towards the Cities, Farm to Non-farm and

Special Economic Zone (SEZ).

B. Urbanization in India

5.B.1 Meaning and Definitions of Cities and Urbanization,

Historical Background of Urbanization in India

5.B.2 Problems of Indian Cities- Urban poverty, Slums,

Solutions to Urban Problems.

Economic, Political and Communication


6.1 The Market as a Social Institution:

6.1.1 Meaning of Market

6.1.2 Features of Market

6.1.3 Sociological Perspectives on Market and the Economy –

6.1.4 Weekly Market as a Social Institution –

6.1.5 Bastar Tribal Market – Chhattisgarh,

6.1.6 Traditional Business Communities

6.1.7 Caste Based Trade among the Nakarattars of Tamil


6.1.8 Social Organisation of Markets – ‘Traditional Business


6.1.9 Pushkar Annual Fair

6.1.10 Virtual Markets

6.1.11 Emergence of Virtual Markets

6.1.12 Online Shopping Sites in India

6.1.13 Interlinking of Markets and Mcdonaldization

6.2 Political Institutions and Processes:

6.2.1 Meaning of Political Institution

6.2.2 Political Processes

6.2.3 The Nature of Indian Democracy; Meaning and Types of


6.2.4 The Core Values of Indian Democracy

6.2.5 Competing Interests: The Constitution and Social


6.2.6 Political Parties, Pressure Groups and Democratic


6.2.7 Constitutional Norms and Social Justice: Interpretation to Aid Social Justice

6.2.8 Local – Level and Grassroots Political Studies

6.2.9 Studies of State-Level Political Behaviour

6.3 Mass Media:

6.3.1 Meaning of Mass Media

6.3.2 Functions of Mass Media

6.3.3 Types of Mass Media; Print Media and Electronic Media

6.3.4 Globalization and Mass Media

6.3.5 Understanding Media in the Contemporary World

Social Movements

7.1 Social Movements in India

7.2 Farmers’ Movement

7.3 Backward Class and Dalit Movement

7.4 Women’s Movement in India

Social Change in India

8.1 Social Change in India; Introduction to Social Change in


8.2 Sanskritization; Meaning and Definition of

Sanskritization, Major Factors of Sanskritization,

Criticisms of Sanskritization, Brahminization and


8.3 Westernisation; Meaning and Definition of Westernization,

The Impact of Westernization, Criticisms of


8.4 Modernisation; Meaning and Definition of Modernization;

Causes Modernization, Process of Modernization in India

8.5 Globalization; Meaning and Definition of Globalization;

Factors Contributing to Globalization; Two Major

Dimensions of Global Outlook; Homogenization and

Hybridization of culture; Barbie Doll – Truly a Global


Karnataka Class 12 Arts Syllabus 2023-24 For Statistics

You can check out the details related to the Karnataka Class 12 Arts Syllabus 2023-24 for Statistics from the pointers given below and prepare yourself accordingly. Students may also Karnataka PUC Syllabus 2024 .

  • Vital statistics
  • Index number
  • Time series analysis
  • Interpolation and extrapolation
  • Theoretical distribution
  • Statistical inference
  • Statistical Quality Control
  • Operations Research

Karnataka Class 12 Arts Syllabus 2023-24 For Psychology

You can check out the details related to the Karnataka Class 12 Arts Syllabus 2023-24 for psychology from the table given below and prepare yourself accordingly:





Meaning and definition- Binet & Simon, Wechsler, Munn.

Theories of intelligence – Spearman, Triarchic (Sternberg’s) Thurstone

Growth of intelligence- Terman and Merrill Studies

Factors influencing intelligence- socio-cultural and biological factors

History of intelligence testing.

Calculation of Intelligence- MA, CA, IQ concepts, problems for calculating


Distribution of intelligence- NPC and table

Special abilities –Intellectually giftedness, aptitude, and creativity.

Mental retardation- Definition, APA classification.

Tests of Intelligence- Verbal, nonverbal &Performance tests

Some of the tests developed in India

Uses of intelligence tests

Emotional Intelligence (EI)

Artificial intelligence- Pros and cons


Points to Remember




Meaning and definition- Allport

Approaches personality

Type- Indian Ancient (Trigunas), Jung, Friedman and Rosenman (A, B,


Trait- Cattle’s Surface and Source trait, Allport’s- cardinal, central and

secondary traits.

Psychodynamic Approach- Freud

Erick Erickson – Psycho-social theory

Assessment of personality

Self-reporting measures- EPI, MMPI, 16PF

Projective tests-TAT, Rorschach, SCT

Behavioral analysis- rating scales, interview


Points to remember


Challenges of Adjustment


Nature and meaning of stress

Types and sources of stress – General Model of Stress Process.

Effects of stress- Emotional, physiological cognitive, and behavioral.


General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS)

Stress and Immune system

Coping mechanism-

1. Task-oriented strategy

2. Emotion-oriented strategy.

3. Avoidance-oriented Strategy.

Stress management techniques

Exercise and relaxation, yoga – asana, pranayama, dhyana.

Time management

Developing healthy habits – diet, lifestyle, life skills, and self-care.

Developing a positive attitude and positive thinking.


Point to remember


Psychological Disorders



Concepts (deviance, dysfunction, distress, danger)

Historical background

Classification – DSM, ICD

Factors influencing abnormal behavior – biological, psychological, socio-cultural.

Major mental disorders –

Anxiety, phobia, OCD, PTSD.

Somatoform disorders- Pain, conversion, hypochondriasis, dissociative

disorders- fugue and amnesia

Mood disorders – depression, mania, bipolar

Schizophrenia- meaning, symptoms (positive & negative), types

Psychopathy, ADHD, ODD, conduct disorders, autism, eating disorders

Substance abuse- drug addiction, alcohol, sedatives (narcotics),

stimulants, tranquilizers

Effects of alcohol


Points to remember


Therapeutic Approaches


Nature and process

Therapeutic relationship

Type of therapies

Psycho analysis

Behavioral therapy

Cognitive therapy

Humanistic (Roger’s)

Existential therapy – (logotherapy)

Biomedical Therapy – ECT, psychosurgery

Yoga therapy

Rehabilitation of mentally ill


Points to remember


Psychology-its Social Relevance


Explaining social behavior

Part A – 10 hrs


Nature and components of attitude

Attitude formation and change


Meaning and definition

Growth of prejudice

Expression of prejudice

1. Stereotypes

2. Social distance

Strategies to handle prejudice

Pro-social behavior - altruism and empathy


Points to remember


Part B - 8 hrs

Group processes

Nature and meaning, formation of the group, why people join the group.

Types of group

Social facilitation

Social loafing



Co-operation and Competition



Points to remember


Psychology And Life


Human- Environment Relationship

Environmental Effects on human behavior

Human Influence on Environment

Human Promoting Pro-environmental Behaviour

Psychology and Social concern

Impact of Electronic Media


Points to Remember


Nurturing Psychological Skills


Evolving as a psychologist:

i) General Skills

ii) Observational Skills

Counseling - Stages; skills

a) Communication Skills

b) Psychological testing skills

c) Interviewing skills

Empathy, positive regard, authenticity.

Areas of counseling

College counseling

Educational counseling

Vocational counseling

Approaches to counseling: Directive,

Client-centered, Eclectic, group.


Points to remember


Karnataka Class 12 Arts Syllabus 2023-24 for Geology

The details related to the Karnataka Class 12 Arts Syllabus 2023-24 fr Geology are given in the list provided below:

  • Petrology
  • Structural Geology
  • Stratigraphy
  • Paleontology

Karnataka Class 12 Arts Syllabus 2023-24 for Indian History

The details related to the Karnataka Class 12 Arts Syllabus 2023-24 for history are given in the list provided below:

  • Introduction
  • Stone age and metal age
  • Indus civilization
  • Ancient period
  • Medieval period
  • Socio-Religious Reform Movement in medieval India
  • Modern period

Karnataka Class 12 Arts Syllabus 2023-24 for Geography

The details related to the Karnataka Class 12 Arts Syllabus 2023-24 for Geography are given in the list provided below:

  • Human Geography
  • World Population
  • Human Economic Activities
  • Transport And Communication
  • Human Settlements
  • Population of India
  • Land and Water Resources
  • Agriculture
  • Mineral and Power Resources
  • Manufacturing Industries
  • Transport, Communication and Trade
  • Geographical Perspectives On Environmental Issues – Planning And Sustainable Development

Karnataka Class 12 Arts Syllabus 2023-24 for Logic

You can check out the details related to the Karnataka Class 12 Arts Syllabus 2023-24 for Logic from the table given below and prepare yourself accordingly:




A.Differences between deduction and induction. Relation between deduction

and induction. B. Kinds of Induction.

I. Improper induction:- a. Perfect induction b. Parity of reasoning

c.Colligation of facts

II. Proper Induction:- a. Simple Enumeration–Characteristics, Merits and:-

demerits, the fallacy of Hasty Generalization b. Analogy – characteristics of good Analogy, uses of Analogy, the fallacy of unsound analogy. c.Scientific Induction- characteristics


Formal Grounds of Induction I. Law of uniformity of nature.

Kinds of uniformities a. The uniformity of succession b.Uniformity of co-existence c. Uniformity of Equality and Inequality. Origin or Ground of our belief in the uniformity of nature 1. Intuitional theory or a priori theory 2. A posterior theory or empirical theory, fallacy of petitio principii 3. The evolutional theory

II. Law of causation. Material grounds of induction

1. Observation: Characteristics, conditions of observation – fallacies – nonobservation, malobservation, the importance of scientific instruments in


2. Experiment: Characteristics – differences between observation and

experiment. Advantages of observation over experiment - Advantages of

experiment over observation


Popular view of causation – a plurality of causes, the conjunction of causes,

intermixture of effects – Homogeneous, Heterogeneous. Aristotle’s view of

cause – material cause, formal cause, efficient cause, final cause J.S.

Mill’s view of the cause. Characteristics of causation Scientific view of causation – quantitative view of causation - Differences between popular and scientific view

of causation, cause, and condition. The fallacy of Post – hoc – ergo–propter – hoc.


Introduction - Five experimental methods of J.S.Mill

1. Method of Agreement 2. Method of Difference 3. Joint method of agreement

and difference 4. Method of concomitant variation5. Method of residues

Evaluation of Mills methods.


Scientific method – Nature and characteristics of science, Scientific method –

Scientific attitude. Hypothesis – meaning and formation of Hypothesis –

characteristics of good hypothesis – verification of hypothesis – proof of

hypothesis – crucial instance – crucial experiment – the role of hypothesis in

a scientific investigation.


Probability – meaning – grounds of Probability – Probability and induction.


Meaning – kinds of Scientific Explanation – differences between popular and

Scientific Explanation – limits of Scientific Explanation.


Meaning, nature, kinds 1. The fallacy of argumentum – ad – Hominum

2. The fallacy of argumentum – ad –Baculum 3. The fallacy of argumentum – ad –

Vericundium 4. The fallacy of many questions


Theories of errors – a. Atmakhyathi vada, Asathkhyathi Vada,

Anyathakhyathi Vada, Anirvachaneeyakhyathi Vada b. Theories of Causation

1. Sankhya Darshana 2. Vaisesika Darshana 3. Adwaitha 4. Vishistadwaitha 5.

Bouddha Darshana 6. Charvaka Darshana

Karnataka 12 Arts Preparation Tips

When going for the Karnataka 12 Arts exam, students should have good knowledge of the exam pattern, marking system, types of questions, exam duration and all such details. In addition to this, students should follow the essential Karnataka 2nd PUC preparation tips to perform their best in the board exams:

  • Students can write answers in any of the languages such as Kannada, Tamil, Malayalam, Marathi, Telugu, English, Sanskrit, and Urdu. Hence, students should be good at any one of the languages.
  • They should complete the syllabus in advance and keep time for revision.
  • Prepare handwritten notes to understand the topics and quickly revise a day before the exam.
  • Solve previous year question papers to check the level of preparation.

It is important for the students to download the official Karnataka Class 12 Arts Syllabus 2023-24 given above. You can check out the details related to the subject-wise syllabus from the article mentioned above. Students after completing the syllabus should also cover Karnataka Class 12 Previous Year Question papers .


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