TS Intermediate Exam Pattern 2024-25 can be downloaded from the official website of the Board of Intermediate Education Telangana. It will help the students to prepare well for the exams.

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About TS Intermediate Exam Pattern 2024-25
Telangana Board of Intermediate Education made some changes in the exam pattern last year which will be carried forward this year. No new changes are expected to be made in the curriculum for the academic year 2025. More MCQs and application-based questions will be included in the question paper. The syllabus was also reduced by the Telangana Board of Intermediate Education to make it easier for the students to score good marks. The new curriculum PDF will be uploaded on the official website of TGBIE. Students must try to complete their TS Intermediate Syllabus 2024-25 on time so that they have enough days for an effective revision. Students will need at least 6 to 7 months to complete their syllabus.
Students must solve the Telangana Class 12 Question Paper 2024-25 at the very end of the preparation to effectively revise for the exams. This will help the students to gain the much-needed confidence to appear for the board exams. TS Intermediate Board 2025 exams will be conducted from March 5 to 25, 2025 students can download the TS Intermediate Time Table 2025 as it has been made available. Students can check out more information about the TS Intermediate Exam Pattern 2024-25 here:
Latest Updates:
Dec 17, 2024: The TS Intermediate Datesheet 2025 has been released on the official website. The theory examinations are scheduled to commence from March 5, 2025 and will conclude on March 25, 2025. These exams will cover different streams, including MPC, BiPC, MEC and Vocational courses.
TS Intermediate Exam Pattern 2024-25: Overview
Students can refer to the detailed information about the TS Intermediate Exam Pattern 2024-25 from the table given below:
Board Name | Board of Intermediate Education, Telangana |
Exam Mode | Offline |
Medium | Hindi & English |
Duration | 3 Hours |
Type of Questions | Multiple Choice, Short and Long Answer Questions |
Subjects | English, Second Language, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology, Additional Subject |
Total Marks | 100 |
Theory Exam | 80 (for the language subject) & 70 (for the elective subject) |
Internal Assessment | 20 (for the language subject) & 30 (for the practical subject) |
Passing Marks | 35% Marks in each Subject as well as in aggregate |
Official Website | tsbie.cgg.gov.in |
TS Intermediate Exam Pattern 2024-25
In the table given below, subject-wise distribution of theory, as well as Project/ Practical marks, has been represented, which has been prescribed as per the latest Telangana Class 12 Exam Pattern 2024-25:
Subjects | Theory Marks | Project/Practical Marks | Total |
English | 80 | 20 | 100 |
Sanskrit, Telugu, Hindi, Urdu, French, Arabic, Tamil, Oriya | 80 | 20 | 100 |
Accountancy, Business Studies | 70 | 30 | 100 |
Economics | 80 | 20 | 100 |
Mathematics (II-A) & Mathematics (II-B) | 75 | 25 | 100 |
Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology, Computer Science | 60 | 40 | 100 |
Geography, History, Philosophy, Political Science, Sociology | 100 | – | 100 |
TS Intermediate Blueprint 2024-25 Subject Wise
There are several subjects included in the curriculum for TS Intermediate students. Students can refer to the subject-wise exam pattern from the table given below:
A total of 8 units are included in the curriculum for Zoology. Students can refer to the units covered in the syllabus from the pointers given below:
- Human anatomy and physiology
- Body Fluids and Circulation
- Human anatomy and physiology III
- Immune System
- Human Reproduction
- Genetics
- Organic Evolution
- Applied Biology
Also Read: TS Intermediate Biology Exam Pattern 2025
Political Science
A total of 11 chapters are included in the curriculum in Political Science. Students can refer to the TS Intermediate Political Science Syllabus 2024-25 from the table given below:
Chapters |
Chapter I. Indian Constitution - Historical Content |
Chapter II. Fundamental Rights & Directive Principles of State Policy |
Chapter III. Union Government |
Chapter IV. State Government |
Chapter V. Centre State Relations |
Chapter VI. Local Governments |
Chapter VII. Election System in India |
Chapter VIII. Contemporary Issues in Indian Politics |
Chapter IX: Emergence of Telangana State |
Chapter X: SMART Governance |
Chapter XI: India and the World |
A total of 16 chapters are included in the curriculum for Physics. Check out the units included in the TS Intermediate Physics Exam Pattern 2024-25 from the table given below:
- Chapter 1: Waves
- Chapter 2: Ray Optics And Optical Instruments
- Chapter 3: Wave Optics
- Chapter 4: Electric Charges And Fields
- Chapter 5: Electrostatic Potential And Capacitance
- Chapter 6: Current Electricity
- Chapter 7: Moving Charges And Magnetism
- Chapter 8: Magnetism And Matter
- Chapter 9: Electromagnetic Induction
- Chapter 10: Alternating Current:
- Chapter 11: Electro-Magnetic Waves
- Chapter 12: Dual Nature Of Radiation And Matter
- Chapter 13: Atoms
- Chapter 14: Nuclei
- Chapter 15: Semiconductor Electronics: Materials, Devices And Simple Circuits
- Chapter 16: Communication Systems
Also Read: TS Intermediate Physics Sample Paper 2024-25
Mathematics II A
For Mathematics II A, students can refer to the exam pattern given below and use it to prepare for the board exams:
- Complex Numbers
- De Moivre’s Theorem
- Quadratic Expressions
- Theory of Equations
- Permutations and Combinations
- Binomial Theorem
- Partial fractions
- Measures Of Dispersion
- Probability
- Random Variables and Probability Distributions
Also Read: TS Intermediate Mathematics Sample Paper 2024-25
Mathematics II B
Students can check out the table given below to easily prepare for the Mathematics II B Exam:
- Circle
- System of circles
- Integration
- Definite Integrals
- Differential equations
- Parabola
- Ellipse
- Hyperbola
A total of 11 units are included in the syllabus for History. Check out the TS Intermediate History Exam Pattern 2024-25 from the pointers given below:
- Unit-I Geographical Sources Pre-History
- Unit-II Age of Satavahanas: Source – Brief
- Unit-III Post Satavahana Period:
- Unit-IV Age of Kakatiyas: Sources Brief
- Unit-V Qutub Shahis - Important Rulers
- Unit-VI Asaf Jahis – Introduction
- Unit-VII Socio-Cultural and Political Awakening in Telangana:
- Unit-VIII Tribal and Peasant Movements in Telangana:
- Unit-IX Freedom Movement in Hyderabad State
- Unit-X Separate Telangana State Movement – Early Phase:
- Unit-XI Separate Telangana State Movement Later Phase:
- Unit-XII Fairs and Festivals of Telangana
To prepare for English, students can refer to the table given below:
Particulars | Details |
Prose | Playing the English Gentleman - M.K. Gandhi The Bet - Anton Chekov The Mad Tea Party - Lewis Carrol On Smiles - A.G. Gardiner The Prize Poem Sir P. G. Wodehouse Sale - Anita Desai Riders to the Sea - J.M. Synge |
Poetry | Ulysses - Alfred Lord Tennyson The Second Coming - W.B. Yeats The Unknown Citizen - W.H. Auden To the Indians who Died in South Africa -T.S. Eliot The Night of the Scorpion - Nissim Ezekiel Rakhi - Vikram Seth Telephone Conversation - Wole Soyinka |
Non-detailed Text | Julius Caesar - Shakespeare Orient Longman Edition |
Also Read: TS Intermediate English Exam Pattern 2024-25
Students can check out the TS Intermediate Economics Exam Pattern 2024-25 from the pointers given below:
- Economic Growth And Economic Development
- Population And Human Resource Development
- National Income, Poverty & Unemployment
- Planning And Environment
- Agricultural Sector
- Industrial Sector
- Tertiary Sector
- New Economic Reforms And Foreign Sector
- Economic Features Of Telangana
- Sectoral & Infrastructural Contribution To Telangana
Also Read: TS Intermediate Economics Sample Paper 2024-25
The following units are to be studied in Chemistry when preparing for the board exam:
- Solid state
- Solutions
- Electrochemistry And Chemical Kinetics
- Surface Chemistry
- General Principles Of Metallurgy
- p-block Elements
- d And f Block Elements & Coordination Compounds
- Polymers
- Biomolecules
- Chemistry In Everyday Life
- Haloalkanes And Haloarenes
- Organic Compounds Containing C, H, And O (Alcohols, Phenols, Ethers, Aldehydes, Ketones, And Carboxylic Acids)
- Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen
Also Read: TS Intermediate Chemistry Sample Paper 2024-25
Students can refer to the TS Intermediate Geography Exam Pattern 2024-25 from the pointers given below:
- Human & Economic: Definition, Nature, and Scope; Man and Geography
- World Population
- Resources
- Primary Economic activities
- Minerals
- Secondary Economic activities
- Tertiary & Quaternary Economic activities
- Transport and Trade
- Physiography
- Climate, Vegetation & Soil
- Population
- Agriculture
- Irrigation and Power
- Minerals & Energy Resources
- Industries
- Trade & Transport
- Geography of Telangana
Also Read: TS Intermediate Geography Sample Paper 2024-25
TS Intermediate Grading System 2025
Students can refer to the table given below to get the most important information regarding the TS Inter Grading System 2025 :
Range of Marks | Percentage | Grade |
>750 | 75% or above | A |
600 - 749 | 60% - 75% | B |
500 - 599 | 50% - 60% | C |
350 - 499 | 35% - 50% | D |
000-349 | <35% | No Grade Awarded |
TS Intermediate Passing Marks 2025
TS Intermediate passing criteria signifies the minimum marks a student needs to score in each subject as well as in aggregate, to obtain the pass status in the exams. As per the latest m arking scheme, the minimum passing marks stand at 35%. This means that a student needs to score at least 350 marks out of 1000 to clear the exams. For the differently-abled students, the Board has decided the minimum passing marks as 25% instead of 35%.
Students must refer to the latest TS Intermediate Exam Pattern 2024-25 when planning out their study sessions for the exam. Make sure to visit the official website of the Board of Intermediate Education Telangana to catch the latest updates regarding the exam pattern and curriculum.